Thinking Green Thursday is always hosted for us by Michelle. Her posts are always timely and contain much very interesting and helpful information.
My post today is on the lighter side, and my source is, once again, the Monterey Bay Aquarium's blog, Sea Notes, both pictures and information. I do love this blog.

When Nature creates a pattern, you will find it recurring over and over again. The perfect example is the strawberry. We are all familiar with the fruit. What we may not be aware of is the fact that the pattern is repeated in such things as mushrooms. This one was found by the blog author during a hike at Point Lobos.
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I just found these interesting. Hope you do too.
Have to add to this post. Thanks to Lisa Lakel, at Two Miles High, I have learned that the mushroom pictured above is an amanita muscaria, and is poisonous and hallucinagenic. How about that!
And a couple of people have commented that they have seen or heard of the recently discovered strawberry crab.
I have never seen mushrooms and crabs with such beautifully carved patterns before. Both looks like strawberry designs!
They are interesting indeed and you are right, never seen such a strawberry crab. Still I like more the mushroom photo. That mushroom looks like painted.
Thanks for the link too, I go visit Sea Notes too.
They look very beautiful. I wonder if that mushroom is poisonous.
I saw the strawberry crab on Craig Ferguson's show :)
He's always talking about how he got crabs in Maryland ;)
and they weren't as pretty as this one
I like the looks of that crab. The mushroom is probably poison.
Nice post, Bobbie! I love patterns in nature. :) And I just read about that Strawberry Crab! It's actually a newly discovered species found off the coast of Taiwan. And the mushroom is an Amanita variety (Amanita muscaria, I think) which is indeed poisonous (and hallucinogenic), though rarely lethal.
I'm such a geek! LOL!
I love the Amanita mushroom..i had no idea there was a strawberry crab that looked similar..very cool.
What a beautiful looking mushroom, great photos.
Very, very interesting. I've never seen or heard of either of these before.
I had never heard of that kind of crab. It seems that some things in nature that are so colorful are warnings that they may be poisonous.. Another great Thinking Green post Bobbie....Michelle
We have a fungus that looks very similar, fly agaric we call it - don't know its Latin name, yes its poisonous! Wonderful crab, amazing!
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