Had to go up the Parkway in teeming rain. But it did let up on the way back. The Almighty doesn't seem to think we've had enough rain yet I guess. We are

Today it looked like this.

Breakwater Road was blocked off yesterday, but is passable today, but this is how Tabernacle Road looked today.

I don't think this homeowner will be able to get in or out of his driveway.

And this is just a small part of Mr. Wuerker's vineyard. You should see the rest of it!
Oh, but from sunny California, my daughter sent me these. She says he looks as if he just needs a tin cup beside him. No, he doesn't really play yet. That's his dad's guitar. But he says he might want to start a band.

But whatever the weather, the forsythia abounds, so it can't be all bad.

Oh, I do hope it dries out soon!! We had a crazy day yesterday -- it was cloudy, then there was sun, then wind and rain and in the late afternoon it sleeted!! Today is just gray for the most part. I'm sure all the flowers and trees, that came out so early, are wondering just what they're supposed to do! Have good day, Bobbie!
I love it .. is there any little boy who doesnt want to start a band? If there is,I havent met him yet... my friend's now adult musician son wanted to be a backhoe driver with the circus,years later when he wanted to be a musician his father reminded him of his childhood desire and that backhoe drivers make better money than musicians . which could be why the musician is now a contractor ...
Isaac has the natural pose of a guitar player
I don't even know what to say about the rains anymore other than Oy!
Awww..love your grandsons photos..must have your daughter send a video of him playing the guitar!
Yeh, we've had tons of rain and tons of flooding. In fact, I am taking a break from cleaning out my flooded basement to blog away. Of COURSE I'd much rather be on the computer, but soon it will be back down to the trenches...
Lindsey Petersen
You have really been drowned in your area. These places that are having 100 year floods... You know I thought of something today. I wish we lived near one another as I would love to sit and talk..... hugs.. Michelle
I feel sorry for you with all that rain. It rained briefly here yesterday but today the sun is shining!
Great Blog!!! Rain rain go awy come back another day!!!
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