Saturday, November 14, 2009

Think About It, Mr. President

Mike Luckovich said it so well:

I have so much respect and admiration for the cartoonist, who can depict with a drawing and in so few words the very thing we are struggling to say.

And, of course, the President is thinking about it. I would not want to be in his position. I pray he makes the right decision.


kenju said...

I pray it too, Bobbie.

Kay said...

Me, too, Bobbie. Me, too!

Anonymous said...

I pray he makes the right decision, too. What a smart cartoonist.


ramblingwoods said...

He was left with an awful mess. You can see him aging before our eyes..

karin said...

Infrastucture, education, health care Mr. President. That's where our money should go. I guess it's time for me to send him another email.

Dawn Fine said...

I sure hope he makes the right decision too.