Last April, Gina, aka The Pagan Sphinx, came up with a brilliant meme known as Think Green Thursday. I loved the idea and started to participate. When Gina's life became so busy and she found many duties so pressing that she could no longer find the time to blog regularly, she felt that she had to put the meme aside. At that time I wished that I could step up to host it, but I knew that, first, I did not have the skill necessary to handle the job, and, second, I honestly was not sure that I would be around to continue it very long.
Enter Michelle! She already hosted a meme on the environmental theme, Nature Notes Thursday. (Try it. You'll like it!) So she knew she could handle the ropes, so to speak. And the care and health of our world was her major concern. Michelle took over hosting what became Think(ing) Green Thursday.
Michelle does a fantastic job with both of her memes. She does extensive research on her topics each week, giving us so much information and marvelous and imaginative ideas on ways in which we can help our environment. Her writing style and her photography are superb.
But she worries. She feels that participation in her memes has not grown significantly. Why are not a great many people interested enough in our environment? I don't agree that the relatively small number of participants indicates a lack of concern for the topic. I believe that those of us who are participating have a great many more interested readers than our numbers would make us believe. What is happening to our world today is frightening, and that realization and the question of how we can deal with it is mind numbing. I'm sure many who would like to participate are intimidated by the subject. I am. I keep putting up posts because, for some reason it makes me feel better to write things down, even though I feel totally inadequate to the task of conveying anything of real substance. I tend to rely on supplying links to others who come up with more solid ideas. Maybe at least I can steer someone in the right direction. A lot more people do comment than participate. And a lot more people read the posts than leave comments. Those who have counters on our blogs know that.
Thinking green doesn't need to mean a post full of great ideas. It can be one expressing appreciation for what we have here on Planet Earth. Or it can be a photo. Some of our regulars post some really beautiful photos. I look forward to them each week.
Michelle has created this Green Thinker badge for those of us who are concerned with thinking green.

And maybe you could encourage us and one another by participating in this meme in any way you can. Those of us who do this every week would be very thankful tomorrow for your support and company.
I agree, Thinking Green is a very important idea and plan of action! I try to keep upgrading the amount of ways I can cut back on my 'carbon footprint.'
This is the most wonderful post Bobbie and thank you so much...I think you make a good point. It is hard to blog about 'green issues'. I have trouble coming up with stuff and I usually post info that I find in other places. Your post are more unique...
I didn't know how ill you were.. I hope that things have stabilized for you and that you are comfortable...
Happy Thanksgiving and thank you for this most wonderful post... Michelle
I think this is a great meme too Bobbie. I think it's also a tough one for people to come up with something each week- even though it can be about anything green. I also think you may be right about people being intimidated, it is a weighty subject & not to mention many people have such pressing personal concerns like being unemployed, so right now the environment is unfortunately put on the back burner while people struggle to feed their families.
whatever the reasons may be, I think it is also true that though many may not be participating, many are reading the posts and that is definitely creating an awareness which is a great thing.
Nice of you to post this Bobbie.
Happy Thanksgiving!
I'm trying, Bobbie. I'm trying.
We can also drum up interest by keeping the Thinking Green Badge in our sidebar.
Happy Thanksgiving Bobbie!
I agree with what you have written. It is good to dedicate a day each week to Thinking Green. Soon it will become our daily habit.
I definitely support this meme and even participated in it when it first started. Alas, I just have so much to do. So many blog posts and so many memes. Can't do 'em all. But I still support Thinking Green Thursday in spirit. So those who are able to participate in it, I say "Go for it! Keep doing a great job!"
Great post, Bobbie! I love the Think Green idea! Unfortunately, with a home, husband, teenage daughter, business and volunteer work, I just don't have as much time as I'd like to participate in projects like this. But I will certainly do so when I can! I've spent a lot of time volunteering for environmental causes over the years so it's definitely something that is near and dear to my heart. :)
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