Thursday, November 26, 2009

Tomorrow Is Buy Nothing Day

Don't forget tomorrow is Buy Nothing Day.



kenju said...

I will definitely join you in buying nothing tomorrow, Bobbie! I am decorating all day tomorrow - which makes me glad I'll be out of the stores!

Martha Z said...

No way I'll venture out shopping tomorrow. I might put in an order to L.L. Bean, on line, I guess that counts as buying.
I'm glad you enjoyed to post-birding sunset.

Christine Gram said...

Here here for Buy Nothing Day!!! I went out shopping in downtown Chicago the day after Thanksgiving just ONCE in my life... the day that etched into a dark spot on my soul... never ever again.

Kay said...

Love this! It's hilarious! Hope you had a great Thanksgiving, Bobbie.

This Is My Blog - fishing guy said...

Bobbie: That was funny.

Lisa (Mountain Photog) said...

Love the turkeys! LOL!

Rambling Woods said...

Cute cartoon..I didn't buy anything, but did use the computer..