Saturday, August 16, 2008

Camera Criters #19

This week I have gone back to another visit to Leaming's Run Gardens in Cape May Court House, NJ. It has been a favorite place of mine for many years, and I run into lots of interesting and very beautiful critters there. I see many of them while sitting quietly on a bench near the reflecting pond, or exploring its waters.

Please visit the Camera Critters site, where Misty Dawn is our host each week.


Anonymous said...

I see him there trying to hide aren't they cute.

AppleDebbie said...

The little frog really blends in well with the lily pads! Wonderful photo, Bobbie!

Berleen said...

Don't see too many frogs on CC's, this is a nice surprise!

Ralph said...

That is a great picture and sounds like a great place to visit again and again - like you have.

Anonymous said...

That froggy blends well with the lily pad! Stunning photo:)

ratmammy said...

i almost didn't see him!

Anonymous said...

That's beautiful shots of the frog!
Thanks for the comment.

Anonymous said...

A good "camera critter" shot. I like the dead-overhead viewpoint to maximize his coloring and detail on the critter's back. Nicely done.

Ramblings of a Villas Girl said...

He looks happy and content and struck a pose for you. Very good.

Teena in Toronto said...

It's been a lot of years since I've seen a frog!

I played too ... come see my bald Chia kitty :)

judi/Gmj said...

Froggie went a court'n ? Cute and peaceful.

D... said...

He is hidden well! It took me a moment to find him. ;)

I played too.

Linda Murphy said...

Quite a camouflage artist! A great photo and cute subject!

Mom Knows Everything said...

That is gorgeous!

Anonymous said...

Wow he/she is really camouflaged in there.

Kahshe Cottager said...

I see your bull frog! Haruump!! Don't they make the biggest noise?

Have a wonderful weekend!
My Camera Critters Here and Here

Misty DawnS said...

What a pretty photo! He looks like he's relaxing and at peace too.

Anonymous said...

Well caught, he's almost invisible.

Daryl said...

He's in camoflage! I didnt see him at first .. cool photo Bobbie!


Carletta said...

It fits right in doesn't he!

This is a gorgeous photo!

Linda said...

The more you look, the more you see. And you found a cute little frog.
Thanks for visiting The Gardener Side

Dianne said...

I love the frog!!

i beati said...

fascinating coloration sandy

Anonymous said...

If one don't look very close, they will never see this cute frog!

I joined Camera Critters, too! HERE is where I posted my entry. Happy weekends!

Anonymous said...

thats an excellent shot! cute green frog, thanks for the visit..

Rambling Woods said...

I love frogs....

Anonymous said...

He's hiding well and certainly looks like he has a nice home.

My critter is here

Anonymous said...

excellent captured of a lovely frog the color so beautiful, goodnight girl.. said...

Wow! What a great shot! this little guy looks like he is in his own paradise.

Janet said...

What a camouflage! He looks just like the leaves. Great shot.

Bear Naked said...

That frog is a great camouflage artist isn't he?
Another of your wonderful photos that you have shown us.
Thank you.

Bear((( )))

Kelly said...

I love your little frog! He blends in so well...he is very well hidden in the brush, but you did a great job of focusing in on him, so we could see the little 'cutey'! Great shot!!!

Busy Mom in Iowa said...

Great picture!!

EG CameraGirl said...

How nice of the frog to pose for you!

Rhea said...

Beautifully patterned frog in that pond! Love it!

Dragonstar said...

That's a beautiful shot. I love frogs.

This Is My Blog - fishing guy said...

Bobbie: You captured that frog in its natural setting. How nice.

Roan said...

This little fella blends quite nicely with his surroundings. Nice shot.

storyteller said...

What a wonderful ‘capture’ here … the little critter is camouflaged so well ;--)
Hugs and blessings,

LA Nickers said...

Cool camouflage!

Thanks for stopping by at THE MANE POINT.


MEME EXPRESS – daily blog prompts

Gemma Wiseman said...

What a fascinating shot! Love all the "disguise" textures around the frog! Beautiful pic!

Michele said...

Hi Bobbie! He is a great little critter! It's amazing how well he fits in his environment! Great photography!
Mountain Retreat