On the 14th, Casdok posted a poem that I liked very much. It concerned her son, who is autistic, and some of the misconceptions held by so many in our society about autism.
My favorite verse in the poem said:
What matters is the here and now,
Not the why, not the how.

The "r" word is "retard"
Good Morning! very nice. Such a fitting line. More people have to realize that it is the here and now that matter most and cherish the little things and what they have and have accomplished.
I don't know if I told you, but Nancy told me her grandson is autistic.
Unfortunately I think it is going to take a long time before it is realized what the "R" word really means. Definition: Retard - to hinder, delay or slow the progress of.
Good words to live by ...
I admire you so much!! These are the "important" messages we need to be teaching our children, adults and parents! This world would be a better place if we'd all just try a little kindness!!
Let me know if this particular sayings can be copied, if so, I would love to put it up on my blog (there are numerous others that you have as well) but I don't want to totally copy everything you have! (lol) Anyway, even if you can lead me to a site that has these wonderful saysing, I'd sure like to add some to my blog! (especially the 'words can hurt')!!
Hope you're having a good weekend!
Thanks, Lisa, that was a very nice comment.
And thanks to Daryl.
Kelly, Anyone may copy anything on my sidebar any time. As to the logos in this post, I stole them from Casdok. I'm sure the public is encouraged to use such logos. I've taken some from autism sites and other charitable sites.
Casdok is in Great Britain (She's quite a lady), and some things I've used are from British Autism sites.
I should mention that my Everyday Kindness logo is from Dianne's blog, Forks Off the Moment. She is a great proponent of that, and she sets about the best example of it that I can think of. The link, when you click on my logo, takes you to her blog.
That is gorgeous!
Glad you liked my poem! :)
I loved Casdock's poem also. And all the informative links she included - that must have been so much work.
If anyone want to go back to the originator of 'Everyday Kindness' - the link is on my sidebar - the the blog roll.
I haven't done an 'official' EK post in a long time! Thank you for saying I do anyway - that means a lot to me, especially coming from you.
This poem is great and I love the frog picture below.
Oh, how happy it makes me to see parents courageously support their children! This blog is amazing. It's great to see so many people supporting this great mom and her son. So inspiring. Thank you, Bobbie.
Living in 'the here and now' is the basis for making each day a special milestone day; just taking one day at time to the next marker. Thank you for the great link.
Beautiful! We all need to live by those words.
A beautiful blog by Casdok.
Thank you for introducing me to it.
Bear((( )))
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