These critters are no longer with us. They were favorite pets

The first is Charley, shown here with my husband on the day he joined our family, in 1969. Next is Charley again, at least twelve years later, with me. He was such a sweet dog. A lab who was afraid of water! We called him Charley, Chicken of the Sea. His fear went all the way from ocean to bath. He was the most lovable dog imaginable - loved the whole world. I turned and looked up from my gardening one day to see him standing on hind legs, with his forefeet on the shoulders of the mailman, who was paralyzed with fear. But all Charley wanted was to kiss him.

The second is my daughter's dog, Harley. She was an amazing animal, very sensitive to the needs of her humans. She wouldn't let the children fight. And when I grew older and wasn't doing so well, she sensed that I wasn't well, and would stay quietly by me, and move with me if I got up.
I miss them both.
Please visit Misty, who hosts Camera Critters, and enjoy all the other critter pictures.
Hello! Yes! Black labs are the best. Would recommend a black lab to anyone. Very dedicated, loyal and loving.
Harley was the best. She was a big old lug with a heart bigger than her body. I miss her.
Bobbie: Your critters do stay in your memories.
This is very appropriate becasue several bloggers lost animals this week.. sandy
what a loving tribute to these past pets! they were indeed special doggies...
My lab is scared of the water too! But she loved give kisses!
Great photos of those beautiful dogs.
Awwwwww - what absolutely special stories and memories.
"Charlie, Chicken of the Sea" - that nickname made me laugh out loud.
I love the Charlie, Chicken of the Sea, name. That is so cute. Beautiful animals, both of them.
Your post had me reflecting on my Tess (a lab/golden cross) who just passed in June. She was a sweet tempered girl and I miss her terribly. I can really understand how you can not forget about yours ....
My Camera Critters Here and Here
They were all beautiful! It's good to remember pets no longer with us. Sadly, I have a lot.
You can see mine here.
There's nothing at all like a beloved pet, right, Bobbie?
Bobbie... I loved the photos of Charlie, Chicken of the Sea (what a great nickname!) but your photo and description of Harley nearly had me in tears. Thanks for sharing your memories of these two wonderful dogs!
Man's best friends at their finest two very sweet dogs.
What a wonderful tribute to these beautiful pets!!
Mountain Retreat Photos
Great dogs.
Thanks for the visit,
I love labs of all varieties, but have a special fondness for black labs, as my Willie is one. He hates bath water, but loves to try to pull me into the lake. Nice post!
It's hard to lose a loved pet. They are so loyal....
Missed but not forgotten, and now forver alive in blogland. Lovely post.
We always had dogs when I was growing up and we loved every one of them. Today they are memories and we became cat people. Charley sounds like he was a wonderful friend.
Sad! They sure are great companions.
Touching. Thanks for sharing.
What beautiful animals.
I love that you nicknamed the first dog "Charlie, Chicken of the Sea."
Dogs truly are *Man's best friend* aren't they?
Thank you for sharing those photos with us.
Bear((( )))
I can imagine how much you miss them...they leave such a huge hole in our lives when they leave us.
Its so true that a pet becomes such a part of our lives that we mourn/remember long after they are gone ...
I love the 'chicken of the sea' nickname. It's wonderful when people really know and accept an animal's personality and clearly you do.
Harley was gorgeous and kindess just emanates from her.
Amazing how they work their way into our hearts and stay there.
I know I've seen other photos of your husband but this one just shows how really handsome he was. And what a kind face.
Nice memories, Bobbie! Both are living in your heart. ;-)
Beautiful photos! I have a soft spot in my heart for labs - we had a lab too. Thank you for sharing your wonderful memories.
Sorry I'm late - having some difficulties accessing blogs - very sporadic.
Nice post. Harley was gorgeous.
I loved your stories about Charley and Harley! The Charley, Chicken of the Sea, story is hysterical! Animals are so smart and then there are some that are even more gifted or connected to us than others, I believe! It sounds like you were lucky enough to get both dogs that were. That was such a lovely story about Charley and your husband! It so strange how much animals can sense so much...
I was inspired to go to the "camera critters" and add my story about my cat "Purrfect" and his struggle to survive when the Vets didn't think he would make it either (like Charley)!
I do believe that they know when they are loved and can certainly sense our feelings, I think that's why Charley and Purrfect pulled through when no one thought they would!
Animals truly are "Mans Best Friend", always happy to see us, so forgiving, so loving, and so devoted! Who could ask for much more??? Hope you're having a good week!!!
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