Wow! This award came to me from someone to whom I would like to be presenting it. Gina is a kick ass blogger herself, for real! The Pagan Sphinx is always on the top of my list of must reads. She offers art, music, wonderful and insightful pieces on sociological and political subjects, personal stories and some beautiful photographs. She is also a contributor to The Peace Tree. She makes me laugh and cry, stirs my conscience and inspires me to action. Thank you, Gina, so very much. This award is the most fun ever. I love it. ;-)
This is what it's all about:
"Do you know any bloggers that kick ass?
Maybe they've got incredible, original content. Or they're overflowing with creativity. Is it someone that helps you become a better blogger? Or a blogger friend you know you can count on? Or maybe it's someone who simply inspires you to be a better person...or someone else who sends you to the floor, laughing your ass off.
Whatever the reason may be, I'm sure you know at least a couple of bloggers that kick ass. Well...why not tell 'em so?"
The rules are as follows:
1) Choose five other bloggers that you feel are "Kick Ass Bloggers"
2) Let them know that they have received an award
3) Link back to both the person who awarded you and also to
4) Visit the Kick Ass Blogger Club HQ to sign Mr. Linky and leave a comment
Casdok, of Mother of Shrek: I have such admiration for this woman, who wished to raise her son, as we all wish to raise our children, guaranteeing them every opportunity for full, happy lives, in peaceful and congenial surroundings. She has not found that so easy a task as most of us. But she has persevered. We can all learn a great deal from Casdok.
Caroline, of Caroline's Crayons: Her weekly offerings are so wonderful. Detailed, often intricate drawings tell stories of her experiences or memories, or illustrate something current in our world. I am always eager for the weekend, when Caroline will show me something new and amazing. There is often more to her story than meets the eye, and her warmth and sensitivity shine through.
Tranny, of Law School Sucks and So Do Lawyers: She keeps me laughing. This woman has faced so many problems, juggling school, a baby, attempting to accomplish the sale of her condo, car problems - all of this alone, since Mr. Tranny is rather busy over in Iraq. And yet she manages to find humor in it all, and shares it with us.
Ralph, of Homespun Headlines: Ralph was among the few who commented on my very first post, and I am grateful for his encouraging words, then and now. He is a nice man. His posts are warm, articulate stories about his daily life, his family, and sometimes his past. His love for his family and friends comes through loud and clear. I have great respect for this man.
Cliff, of Cliff Morrow's Blog: Cliff is fun. He is a generous, hospitable man who, with is wife Marilyn, loves to entertain. He's a hard working farmer as well as being active in civic affairs. I'm sorry we live such a distance apart. I would love to meet him and his family. Under his joking and bantering, I'm sure he is also very wise. (Now, Marilyn, stop laughing.)
That's it. Each of these bloggers most definitely does kick ass. I love 'em all.
Lick Ass! Love it! And yes i have had to kick a few!
Congratulations on yours and thank you so much for thinking of me! :)
Me? Kick ass? Moi, as Miss Piggy would say. Wow, thank you so much. It's funny to see my name in lights on your blog. And then with all of the negative self-talk that goes on, it's fun to see praise spelled out so carefully. Thank you.
I think the world of your blog. You select such important topics, such as the Obama letter or the "R" word. You offer a view from an Elder -- and I use that word in the most respectful and hard-earned sense. Keep writing.
PS: I'm going to break the chain by not nominating other bloggers. I like to stick to my rather tight format. But I'll be sure to send praise as is appropriate.
That's fine, Caroline. Rules were made to be broken.
I'd never mind if anyone did it there own way.
AND I have two awards for YOU!
Well done Bobbie. Greatly deserved.
Daryl, you're a sweetheart! Thank you so much!
Thanks for the award and your kind words.
And now you have turned me on to some new writers. Thank you
Well thanks bobbie. I didn't expect that.
I don't exactly fit the mold of your readers but I do like a little fun.
Send some of your 'flaming' libs over and I'll educate them.
But most of all, congratulations to you on your award. Well deserved indeed.
Well, Cliff, you might not enjoy my "flaming libs"' blogs, but I'm willing to bet, they'd enjoy yours. What's not to love about Cliff?
Lisa sure isn't a liberal, and she enjoys a lot of the same that I do, so maybe you should try some too. come on...you can do it.
you do kick ass!!
and I think the world of casdock - she is an inspiration!
and you described tranny perfectly.
I will check out the others, hey Cliff - here comes a flaming lib! put on the asbestos suit!! ;)
Aww, shucks. Thanks! And I think you kick serious ass, too, bobbie. I love your blog!
Congratulations Bobbie on receiving the "Lets Kick Ass!" Award from Gina at The Pagan Sphinx blog! You are well deserving of this award!
I am sure that each of the other blogs you picked are great as well! I'm getting ready to read theirs now!
Gina at The Pagan Sphinx Blog does has a Great Blog too! I read it and loved it! I'll definitely follow hers as well!
Great job to you on a very well deserved award for your great blog and all the important things that you bring to our attention!
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