This is by cartoonist, Mike Lukovich. For me, it pretty much says it all.

Why do I feel more and more that I won't live to see a decent health care system in our country? and that the present one may well prove to be the reason for my own demise?
Traveler, the path is nothing more than your footsteps; traveler, there is no path, a path is made as you go. You make the path as you go, and on looking back you see a trail that never can be walked again. Traveler, there is no path, only a wake in the sea. - Antonio Machado
Love the cartoon. So, true.
Let's up we ALL live to see a decent health care system in our country. We certainly need it.
Hello Bobbie, good cartoon, and so right, since 72, then the 90s, and now 09! But in the words of Paz, "let's all live to see a decent health care system implanted".
Thank you for your very thoughtful comment in my blog. I really appreciate your input. These are foreigners, and expats, perceiving the States from the outside.
Let's hope you are wrong and that the panel on This Week w/George Stephanopoulos is right and the bill will be passed by January .. tho I suspect as they did it wont be everything President Obama wanted ..
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