The bridge leading into Cape May can be made out on the far side of the harbor, if you try very hard to see it.
Traveler, the path is nothing more than your footsteps; traveler, there is no path, a path is made as you go. You make the path as you go, and on looking back you see a trail that never can be walked again. Traveler, there is no path, only a wake in the sea. - Antonio Machado
what a lovely view!
Check out mine
Nice shot ..
This is such a relaxing scene. Great shot! :)
I've been to Cape May and climbed a lighthouse with my previous companion. My present companion went birding there frequently as a child with his parents. Now he has lots of photos on panaramio some of which have made it to Google Earth.
Simply divine! Sigh, wish I was there.
Very pretty. I love seeing mourned sailboats. Try as I meant, I can't see the bridge. Lisa
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