Thinking Green is hosted by our friend Michelle.
Let's make it EARTH DAY every day.

And our earth is largely made up of water. And that water is full of wildlife. FISH
Once again, my topic involves Monterey Bay Aquarium's blog, Sea Notes. In today's blog post, Julie Packard reminds us to vote with our dollars, when we purchase sea food. Try to be sure that what we buy is seafood caught or farmed in sustainable ways. It may be difficult to remember, considering the vastness of the oceans, that fish exist in limited numbers. There is not an endless supply. And there is much overfishing and habitat damage and poor management. This causes a threat to the world's food supply, to marine economies, and even to recreation.

Thankfully, the two largest food services in North America, ARAMARK and Compass Group, have long been working with Monterey Bay Aquarium toward sustainable sources. But there are many others who ignore environmental needs. We must try to be aware, and make our purchases accordingly.
'Let's make it Earth Day every day.', is a great idea.
someone from the aquarium was here in buffalo speaking and if i had only known ahead of time, i would have gone. i forgot to add the thinking green to my earth day post. michelle
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