On top of that, I have a brand new computer, for which I am very thankful. But it's a notebook type - nice big screen, but a very different keyboard. That's throwing me off balance. It has a touch pad as well, which I don't think I would ever get use to. Yesterday I got a wireless mouse, and am finding it so very much easier. Still, there are many things very different than I am familiar with. You know the old saying about old dogs and new tricks. It is so true!
While my son-in-law was here he taught me what he could, but there was so little time and so many distractions. So I am stumbling along as best I can. Photos are my first love, and I haven't managed to conquer that one yet. Many of our photos from the past few days have been uploaded only to this new computer. If they were on the old one I'd have no trouble. But then, I wouldn't be learning much either, would I? I can show you this one that my daughter took. We took Isaac to the Alpaca Farm.

I do love these creatures.
And we went up to the Point, which included a visit to the museum there.

Again, one of Kitty's pictures.
Isaac took this one, on the nature trail. I think he did a really great job.
I do have one of my own that I'm kind of proud of even though it isn't of family or our activities in the past week. I took it in my garden. I got lucky with this one.

Speaking of natural disasters, take a look at Kitty's current post. Pretty funny, and tells a lot about Mike.
i love the pictures. the one of you is great.
Enjoy that new computer!! I hate laptops without using a mouse, too.
Oh nice macro .. and I am sure in no time you'll be able to do everything on the new 'puter that you did on the old ... holler if you need help!
Wow! I love your photo! That's terrific, Bobbie! And what a great job Isaac did, too! Glad you got the new computer, but it does take a while to get really comfortable with them! You'll do great though! Know you enjoyed having your family there for a few days even if it did mess up their vacation plans. I think that happened to a lot of people! Enjoy the rest of your week!
Oh, I forgot to say how much I love the alpacas! How beautiful they are!
I got a new computer not to long ago and know exactly what you mean about re-learning all that stuff.
You have some great photos there.
Bobbie, how well I know your frustration with new computers! So many of my photos are still stored on the old one and now I am having further frustrations with this one! Grrr! Back to the computer doctor I suppose but this will drive me bankrupt! You are such a good sport to keep on trying. It will keep your brain young they say and stave off Alzheimers! I am busy playing catch up also, as you can tell!
love the bee!! he's hovering for you :)
I'm glad you got to visit with Isaac and Kitty and Mike
wow..i love to see everybody but the bee is fantastic. i use a mouse with my notebook michelle
I love the photo of you & Isaac! & I am glad your family didn't get stuck overseas too.
Nice job on the bee shot too Bobbie.
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