Deborah Godin, who writes a beautiful blog called The Cloud Messenger, has nominated me for the Brilliant Weblog Award. Thank you, Deborah. It is only recently that I have found your blog, and it has already become one of my top favorites.

And then there is Bear, whose blog Bear Naked is so very entertaining as well as informative. She has presented me with a whole Bouquet of Bears. Thanks to you, Bear. You are so creative, and I do enjoy your blog so very much.

I have received a few awards recently, and they have started me thinking.
The first time I received an award it took me by surprise. I was stunned. Me? Why would anyone think my blog was worthy of an award? I had seen them on other blogs, given to people whose writing I admired and who had things to say really worth hearing.
As the months went by, new people started to comment on my posts and I went to their blogs. I have two blogrolls: one of those I feel I want to read every day without fail; the other of those I read whenever I find the time. As time passed, both of those lists grew longer and longer. Today I should just consolidate them, because I really want to read them all every day. That would be impossible of course, because by now the list is far too long to even put it onto my sidebar. My list of personal favorites that I have bookmarked contains dozens of blogs, most of which I can't possibly read more than about once a month, and I spend waaaay too much time sitting in front of my computer.
I think our blogging community has become a large group of close friends. We read one another's posts and feel we know these people and love them, and feel support and validation from them. It has become a mutual admiration society in the truest sense of the words. And we all feel the need to tell one another how we feel. We give one another awards in an attempt to do this. Bear Naked said it. She offered her appreciation to all of her readers. Perhaps that's what we all should do. One BIG AWARD! I love you all. You have all done so much for me, knowingly or not. And you're a lot of fun to have around.
Bobbie - what a great way to put it, a big mutual community of blogger/friends! And a source of true inspiration, a bright spot, whatever else may be wrong in the world. Cheers to you, and thanks for your kind words.
I do feel like my blogging friends are friends just like my regular friends. I get e-mails from several of the people on my blogging list and I have one on my list that confides in my about feelings she says she would not tell anyone else. That truly makes me feel honored and humble that she would trust me and she has never met me. I think you deserve all the awards you get! You are a great blogger, photographer, and a very kind person.
This blogosphere is truly a wonderful place where we can visit old friends as well as new friends.
I hope I never get so jaded like *some* bloggers that I am only blogging for money or accolades.
To me, it would not be worth it then. That is when I would have to stop.
I enjoy visiting and reading everyone's blogs that I see everyday.
(Housework is highly over-rated anyway!!) LOL
Bear((( )))
My sentimants exactly! and congratulations on the awards. YOu deserve them.
see you always know the right thing to say and the best way to put it!
that bouquet of bears is lovely! I don't know how she does it, new bear stuff all the time!
You are right, I've met folks from all over the world though blogging.
I start to feel guilty if I don't get to my favorites all of time, but that would be nearly impossible...well, not if I had my fantasy job of laying in my hammock and reading. Anyway, it is alway fun to pop in.
You summed it up perfectly! I only wish I'd started this sooner;)
Guess, I'll just add "ditto" to all the comments made by everyone...You really did do such a good job of summing things up!
I will just add "Congratulations" on your "two-in-one-day" awards!
I enjoy talking with all my blogger friends and learning from each of them! Even if I don't leave them a comment everyday, I do read them and I think of them as great friends whom I enjoy their thoughts, feelings, ideas and stories daily!
Wonderfully put .. and I agree knowing you (and the other of this amazing community) makes my days a lot brighter!
Bobbie, how right you are! I miss it when I am too busy to stop by and say hi to all my blogging friends! Congrats on your newest awards. They are well deserved. I found Deborah's blog through you and now I enjoy it also. I feel you are a friend also.
I feel the same way! Bloggers and the people who read them are a wonderful community!
; )
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