The publication, The Nation, has printed an open letter to Barack Obama. That letter is now on line. To those of you who support Mr. Obama, I would urge you to sign this letter to let him know how important it is that he continue to hold fast to the core commitments which made us want to follow him from the start of his campaign.
Mr. Obama has given us HOPE. Please encourage him to continue to lead us in the same direction, rather than succumb to political pressures. Compromise in some matters is appropriate and necessary, but as stated by The Nation, what is needed here is "Change We Can Believe In". He must not back down from his original stand.
Please read this open letter, and if you feel that you can sign it perhaps you will also consider adding this request to a post on your blog so that we can reach more readers. Thank you.
Bobbie - if I was an American I'd be voting for Mr. Obama and I hope he wins but I suspect that he'll have to make rather a lot of compromises if he does become President. I'm also concerned that he's a little TOO good to be true but that's probably the political cynic in me looking for problems. All politicians sell out in prder to gain power, alas.
Excellent post and I am on the way to add my name to that letter, thank you Bobbie!
I'll add my name as well. Thanks for keeping on top of this. Yes, excellent post.
By the way, I've given you an award. Stop by my blog. :-)
Thanks for sharing on this post. I might have missed this if you hadn't.
p.s. loved the frog photo!
I am going there now...we need him.
Thanks Bobbie, I'll check it out.
Thanks for the link - I'm on my way over there now.
I signed because at its core the letter is absolutely correct. In fact I have always thought Obama was too centrist - especially in his stance on gay marriage. I still wish the day will come that a real, true progessive can stand a chance at campaigning.
But I digress ...
I'm so worried about what will happen of McCain is elected that I'm torn between wanting Obama to be more progressive and wanting him to appeal to those who are on the fence right now.
You know - politicians aren't the problem in this country - the voters are. To paraphrase Thomas Jefferson - you get the government you deserve.
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