Early on a Sunday evening a couple of weeks ago I stepped out onto the back deck and saw this, along with a few lightning flashes.

I headed up to the bay. Thunder was rolling. The sky over the bay was dark, and gulls were flying wildly.
I was surprised to see quite a lot of people still on the beach, including a group of boys with a wave runner in the water.

I guess they just hated to stop. But when huge rain drops and more lightning started, they finally decided to call it a day. Wisely, I think.

Sorry I couldn't capture the lightning.
Tom, Sandy and Imax would love it if you would drop by at Sky Watch, and have a look at the many other photos offered by participants.
oh...scary sky
My SWF : The gateway to Heaven Thanks
That looks like a bad storm brewing but I love the pictures of the sky and the ocean.
Bobbie: Love the scary shots at the ocean.
Its hard to catch those bolts of lightening ... I have tried all summer with no luck yet! Today we had clouds like these full of rain and hail. It is still thundering!!
Have a wonderful weekend of beautiful skies!
My Sky Watch Photos are posted Here and Here
Capturing lightning is so very tricky. I went out yesterday during a storm but with no result. The clouds shape and reshape all the time and what you see in the sky does not necessarily translate into the image.
WOW... I love storms like that... I usually stay out until the last second as well.. hehehe....
Mountain Retreat
Beautiful photos Bobbie! I'm glad you were on the porch and not out in the ocean on a "wave runner" (lol)
Just as I read the word thunder in your post I heard a crack of thunder outside my house. Is someone trying to tell me something? LOL
Why would anyone stay outdoors with lightning and thunder all around them? Crazy!
So did you get a big storm? Lovely photos - happy SWF!
These photos are terrific. I thought the first two were in black and white!
Lightning is very hard to capture but you've captured the severity of the storm.
Was there a storm brewing?
bobbie, this is an excellent series of photos. My sky is starting to look like yours right now! A thunderstorm is rolling in here so I'm getting off until it passes. Thanks for stopping by to see me! I'm always happy to see you!
Moody skies...i like them all.
I'm glad they got out of the water! nice capture you have here!
& congrats on #201 too!
Hello! Beautiful pictures. Don't you just love when a storm comes through? So drama and wild. Lisa
Wow! What a great post for sky watch :)
Now that's hardcore out there on the water in that kind of weather. Stormy weather on the water is so amazing to watch. Good captures.
Mean looking sky... great catch
Very nice shots. Love them all:)
Good on you for staying out & gathering the series of pictures of the brewing storm. Congratulations for reaching your 200th too!
I love your profile photo and I love that these picss are in New Jersey. My mother grew up there and I have a great fondness for it.Beautiful SWF
Thunder at the beach is pretty unsafe and to see the boys still hanging around...scary!
Nice shots of the dark and thunderstorm brewing clouds :)
You've captured that brooding feeling right before a storm, and reminded me of my young and foolish days, all in one.
Hi Bobbie, For me getting a picture of lightening is harder than getting a picture of a hummingbird. I have never captured a picture of either.
The storm pictures are pretty!
These are wonderful. They need no words...
Love the photos
Happy Sky Watch Friday from Michelle
Rambling Woods
I like these stormy skies. I would have been very uneasy to have seen the boys in the water when a storm was approaching, but that's kids for you!
Nice Sky Watch.
A very intimidating sky. But I have no room to chastise any of the beachgoers as I have stayed out in bad weather longer than I should have on a golf course more times than I care to admit. :)
these are amazing!! the sky looks so dark, scary and mean. i love it!!
Gorgeous shots! I'm glad the kids decided to get out of the water. It is so NOT a safe place to be in a lightening storm.
Aren't storms great over the water? It seems so much more eerie and scary.
Your sky looks like mine does right now with lots of thunder and lightning
Thanks for the stop over
Storms make some of the best photos, with all there action and colours. Great photos. Happy SWF.
such gloomy weather! same as the one we had here last weekend (there was a typhoon).
great shots!
These are really great photos. Lightning always gives me the shivers, though. I keep hearing about people and trees that have gotten hit. Terrific Sky Watch photos!
Looks like a dangerous place in lightening!
Like the first and last one, nic and mystic
nice pics i like them all. great swf have a nice weekend
Love this pictures - so scary, as I can feel the thunder coming...
Oh my what a nice shot...Happy SWF!
Awesome shots!
Stunning sky pictures! Just wow!
happy weekend!!
And those numbers(in your sidebar) just keep spinning...
We ought to talk about the 9-11 "hoax" some time... I almost don't want to think about it, but it's inescapeable...
love those broken down fence beach shots! I want to paint that!
Love your stormy skies! I can't believe they'd stay out for one moment with lightning dancing about!
oh bobbie, i love these .. they are so involving ... really good shots!
wow, dramatic sky!
and i love the beach photos.
Wild and wonderful shots bobbie! And I know this supposed to be about looking at the sky, but - is there anything more beautiful than an old half-falling-down beach fence along the dunes?
I always wanted to capture lightning too - must be something most of us dream of. This is a wonderful series. Such beautiful dramatic skies and wonderful to see the shots by the beach and the rough water.
Now, that is brooding ! Excellent.
That is a wild sea and some stormy pictures. Thanks for a glimpse of this lovely area.
Great photos!!!
I just love stormy skys and you caught it nicely. Have a great weekend.
Oh, I love a god storm! Happy SWF. :)
nice shots! i've always wanted to capture some lightning, but nothing yet =)
What a beautiful walk at the beach. I enjoyed it very much. Great skies.
These are very lovely. I love the action and drama you have captured!
Seems very bad weather to be on the beach, but you took really nice photos! Happy sky watching and week end!
Beautiful! I think I'd recognize those NJ skies anywhere!
Thanks for commenting on my SWF. You captured the storm beautifully.
I love those beach shots!
Bobbie - Very dramatic pictures, I think I would have been out of the water double quick if I had seen that storm coming!
Wow! Such wonderful photos!
So sorry I missed thanking you for the lovely Sky Watch comment you left on my blog the week before last. I've just been catching up on things and hope that you'll take a moment to stop by and see my contribution from last week too!
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