The day started with me going out to put gas in the car.$3.63 a gallon here! It keeps dropping in price! Kitty tells me it's still over $4. in California. When I left the station, the sky was so gorgeous I had to take a picture. The sun was up, but not all the way. It was so bright behind the clouds that I couldn't point the camera right at it. I reall

I like it.
Never tried that before.
Crazy little storms have been going on here. We have beautiful sunshine for a while (but windy enough to blow over the big mandevilla plant I have

This has happened a couple of times today.
Reminder: Don't forget to check out
In Their Boots if you haven't seen it yet.
(See my sidebar and click on the image.)
There are something like 33,000 wounded
from Iraq and Afghanistan.
There's also an amusing Obama video at the bottom of the page.
And we have another 162 days to get through.
You are brilliant .. I would never have thought to put my sunglasses in front of the lens .. and now I am thinking maybe I can find a tinted pieces of plexi to carry for that purpose because it dawned on me as I was writing this that my glasses are prescription and that would make a weird focus!
Bobbie... I like the effect of the sun glasses over the camera lens - it's very dramatic.
The last time I filled up, gas was $4.19/gallon. Ugh!
Hey, that's a neat trick with the sunglasses. Were they polarized lenses? Great shot!
Tink *~*~*
My Mobile Adventures *~*~*
Hi Bobbie, You are sooo lucky with the price of your petrol - do you know how much we have to pay in this country ? the equivalent of 10 dollars a gallon, I ain't kidding! or mistaken with the exchange rate either - It's a absolute disgrace ! most of what we pay you see is 'flaming tax' on the stuff, so when the price of oil is rising the government is rubbing it's hands in glee 'cos they know that they get more into the coffers. Another maddening thing is that the folk in the North of Scotland (where the oil is' pay even more and they have all the hassle of the oil workers living there and having the higher cost of living because of the oil. The ordinary men in the street are working in the oil industry and being conned into paying more than we do in the south west of Scotland. The sooner Scotland is an independant country again the better. Ohhhhhh, I'm just sooo angry, I have just paid the equivalent of 120 dollars and that has just put half a tank of petrol into our car.......
P.S. sorry to bring politics into this but it is just sooo maddening!
I'm not even starting on the flippen Iraq situation and and cost of human lives - on both sides. Are we going mad or have we just arrived in Hell - God forgive us...
Thanks Daryl and Debbie.
Yes, Tink, they're polarized.
Oh, Kate, I feel your pain. That's a terrible price to pay. We've been complaining when it went up to $4 a gallon. (It's hard to deal with when you live on Social Security.) Your frustration with your political situation there seems to be pretty much like ours here. And with so many places in the world today. I certainly don't have an answer, and just pray that someone with some power does.
That picture is amazing. I would never have thought of doing that. Gas here was $3.57 a gallon. That is the cheapest it has been for a while. I saw Kate's comment. There is no way I could pay $10 a gallon.
Very clever, the sunglasses trick. I'm going to try that myself next time I shoot into the sun. Glad you survived the storm and hail. We haven't had any hail yet on the lake, thank goodness. I remember a real bad one in Alberta one year, came right after I planted all the containers on my deck. The hail came and in 5 minutes I had $100 of coleslaw under the drifts!
Great idea using the sunglasses...nice effect.
The colour of your clouds really impressed me and I was thinking, why do I never get colours like that? Then I read your mention of your sunglasses. What a great filter idea!!! I shall have to try that. Your result is a very beautiful sky!
"Necessity is the motherhood of invention" certainly applies to that photo.
Great photo.
Bear((( )))
I'm going to try the sunglasses trick! what a great idea
and what a beautiful shot
it's storming here right now, and the sun was out a few minutes ago.
Yes, ladies, it's a good trick, but you must also realize, the sky was actually a beautiful blue. So, while it's dramatic, it isn't anywhere near real.
I love the effect of the sunglasses and I'm definitely going to try that next time. We had such beautiful clouds here last evening, they just took your breath away. It's always lovely to be able to enjoy the beauty of nature and stop thinking for a moment or two about the price of gas. Ours has gone down, but is still high. Just thankful I don't live in Scotland! I'd surely be walking a lot more than I do now!
I like the first photo - it´s really nice and creative!
I was so excited last week when I paid $3.89.
Great idea with the sunglasses!
Bobbie, good for you being so creative with the sunglasses! It is a nice effect. Down here in Tucson our gas never went over the $4.00 mark,but it was still bad enough at $3.91! Now it's down near $3.50, (I think). Still not low enough for me. I worry about my kids affording to live with gas prices like these. One good thing, people are starting to curb their driving and it has started more people thinking about alternatives to oil and gas!
Great idea, the sky always looks fantastic, especially through brown glasses.
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