Hi Tracy! I'm back for another Shadow Shot Sunday.
I decided to try taking pictures of the shadows of bubbles. Well, I found out that in order to do this, I really should have someone else blowing the bubble while I take pictures. But I didn't do that. I tried to handle both jobs myself.
I didn't get what I really wanted. And I did darken the pictures because most of the bubble shadows seemed a bit washed out by the sun. Here's what I got.
The first is me, of course, trying to create both bubbles and pictures.

Well you did get the bubbles. You can do the same thing with soap bubbles on a bench or table top.
Thanks for your visit to my Pick a Peck of Pixels Blog and for your comment there about the long johns. Pick a Peck of Pixels
I love bubbles. Been known to grab them out of my pocketbook and send a swirl of them into the air! Mailed some to my nieces' worlplaces for their bottom drawer for stress management. Had enough for the kids in my classroom to take a bubble break.
So you got my attention!! Nice photos!
Hi! I especially like yhe bubble photo with the bubble against the black background!
Your site is one of my favorite daily visits- it gives me the same benefits as sitting down and sharing a cup of morning tea with a friend! Thanks!
Well done .. they are all good shots and not just of shadows ..
Oh, lovely bubble shadows, Bobbie! I love them! Now you've given me another idea to play with!
Have a great day!
Catching the bubble shot that works is a challenge, without having to make them yourself! A stimulating idea.
I like these because they are so delicate. Well caught!
Now THAT is a wonderful idea!
Such delicate shadows with a touch of color to them. As if the shadows themselves breathed very softly.
Beautiful photos, Bobbie!
I love these shadows! Great idea. :)
I love it!!
they came out great
I really like the bubble on the black post, that's a cool effect
I enjoy blowing bubbles. Love it when the grandchildren are here, so I can do it. Wouldn't do it without them. Bad enough I drag things around the yard for shadows. Great shots and so pretty.
Great idea and excellent artistic multli-tasking!!
Very creative series of shots! I espeically love the last one with the touch of colour in the bubble!
Oh Bobbie, you did it once again!!So much fun!!!
I see my shadow,
my shadow sees me—we are
quite a company!
My Shadow Shots
You did well! I don't think I'd manage to do both tasks at once. These are really fun! My fave is the 3rd one with the subtle bubble shadows and the bubble itself against the black. Really nice!
What a great thought - shadows of bubbles! A+ for creativity this weekend Bobbie!! Love the last picture....our very favorite!
What a great thing to try!
I gotta tell ya, the virtual visual I got from your shadow shooting venture was hilarious...thanks for the smiles!
These are lovely, I can see the shadows too!
Great bubble shadow! In a physics course, I recall one of our end of semester problems was trying to determine the thickness of a soap bubble by the colors of it's sheen. I don't remember how the heck we were supposed to pull that off, so apparently it didn't translate to useful life skills, ha ha.
What fun! I think I NEED to get some bubble soap so I can play too. ;-)
Wow! all my bloggie friends went to be artistic this w/end.
U know what I mean.... §;-)
Have a wonderful SS...
Very interesting. Bubbles? haha! this is so cute! thank you for sharing.
Wonderful idea! I especially like the last photo... you can see the little rainbow living inside of it.
Wishing you a lovely new week♥
Clever idea and nicely done. :)
I like all your shadows!I especially like the 2nd. one!
The last two are my favorites--you caught great creative shots with glints of color in the bubbles!
Wonderful -- so original and fun! The last one also has wonderful contrast and range of values. Great shots!
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