The Villas Girl has some good pictures of our little storm yesterday. She went out for a walk in the neighborhood. There she goes.
I stayed inside of course. I do remember times, many years ago, when I reveled in a really good snow storm, and would be out there until there were icicles hanging from my hair. But that was when I was young and foolish.
Today I curl up under a blanket and wait it out. This morning I finally went to the back door and pushed - hard - until I got it open just a little way, and took a couple of pictures.

Brrrrrrrr !
I'm with you. I like it from afar, nice and warm!
My goodness, bobbie, that is some storm. I like you don't like going out in it. But I do venture out take a could of pictures and then I'm back inside staying warm! :)
we got a dusting which is now either disappearing in the sun or freezing over in the shade
Keep warm!
The walk was fun. And cold. There were a couple of cars out on the road, but they didn't seem to be doing all that great traction wise. At least the sun is out an starting to melt some of this stuff. keep warm. Lisa
It looks like you got quite a bit of snow! But it will met fast. :)
Ah snow was fun. Now I go out to refill the bird feeders and bird bath, but it is such an effort plowing through it all...Michelle
We drove up to Prescott yesterday and there was still snow there from the last storm. I think it might have been the same storm that made it all the way to the east and closed I-40 in AZ and NM.
Yes, I can remember when snow was fun too.
Beautiful! Our snow here in Wisconsin is already old and sooty and crusty. I love to see these mounds of fluffy white. I'm glad you are safe inside.
it really does look pretty.
I have to say I am so happy it was too cold to snow here .. lovely photos .. stay warm!
You did get some of that nice, clean, white, fluffy stuff, and now you can make some snow ice cream.
Oh, but it does make the world so very quiet and still.
Bobbie, I hope that someday in another world or another life we can all know each other when we were young. I bet you and I would be such good friends. Like you, I used to love a good snow storm and would frolick the live-long day. Now I'm here in sunny AZ and glad. Though I do enjoy our 1 or 2 brief snowstorms every year.
Cuddle up, stay warm, and enjoy your reading!
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