Gina, aka the Pagan Sphinx, has seen fit to present me with the Arte y Pico Award.
This award is given for creativity, design, interesting material, and contribution to the blogging community.

I feel so honored that Gina has presented me with this award because she is someone I truly admire and respect. In the six short months that I have been blogging I have come to think of her as a friend, and have watched in awe as she takes a stand and speaks out on whatever she believes needs to be addressed in our world - always well informed on her subject - voicing her argument with calm logic.
The rules for this award are as follows:
l.) Choose five blogs that you consider deserve this award for creativity, design, interesting material, and for contributing to the blogging community, no matter what language.
2.) Each award must have the name of the author and a link to his or her blog to be visited by everyone.
3.) Each award winner must show the award and put the name and link to the blog of the one who has given the award.
4.) The award winner and the one giving the award must show a link to "Arte y Pico" blog, so that everyone knows its origin. That link is here: Arte y Pico
The bloggers to whom I would like to extend this award are:
Lisa at Ramblings of a Villas Girl, for her down to earth observations of every day life, and her great photography. She has owned a camera for a very short time, but is already producing some really wonderful pictures. She's a natural. Besides, I love the girl.
Nina at Nature Remains, who gently and beautifully teaches us about the natural world and all its creatures. She accompanies her posts with some of the most marvelous photographs I have ever seen. I must go to her blog every day.
Ann, for two blogs: Nature Tales and Camera Trails and Varying Seasons, which is strictly a photo blog. Known as Me Ann My Camera, she too offers us an amazing closer look at the creatures with whom we share this planet, as well as earth, sky and water, reminding us to pause and observe.
Kathie, who lives in Sycamore Canyon, whose vivid descriptions of her world let us picture the desert of Arizona and the birds as clearly as if we were there with her, and for her poetry, and for her very real concern for our environment.
And finally, Island Rambles. This blog, from Vancouver, Canada, just fascinates me. She offers photographs, videos and narration on everything from whales and soaring eagles, to local history, beach-going and fairs. It's a joy to explore.
May I echo what Gina has written about both Dianne at Forks Off the Moment, and Singing Bear at Tiz Yer Tiz. I love them both very much and read everything posted by each of them.
I hope that the recipients all understand how much I admire them. They should not feel obligated to appoint any or all five to receive further awards unless they wish to do so.
As Gina would tell you - Peace to all.
Excellent post. That was neat!
Congratulations on your award! I shall go and check on the people you gave it to.
Bobbie, thank you very much for this award. I am honoured that you have chosen me, and also am honoured that you have placed me among such a fine group of other bloogers. I am familiar with the other blogs you have mentioned and visit theirs often as well.
I echo your sentiments about pagan. I was so surprised when she chose me! I think I babbled a bit in her comments but we all know by now how I digress.
You deserve this - and pagan's description of you was right on target.
I love to read your posts and always feel better when I visit here.
your choices to pass this on to are excellent!
bobbie, you are so sweet to think of me! I am so glad to know that you enjoy my blog. Your kind words are an encouragement to me to keep on writing and creating! I am glad that I have come to know you through the blogging community and I admire you for the issues you take a stand on here in your blog. I also love the poets I have discovered because of you! Keep up the good work! It always makes me smile when I see your "face" on my comments page!
Congratulations on your award and I am so looking forward to checking out your recipients! Have a good weekend.
Hi, Bobbie. I'm so glad you enjoyed the award. You're a great lady!
And Dianne: I adore long comments on my blog. Please, feel free to express yourself in any length you choose.
Thank you both for the kind words. And Bobbie, I will have to check out your award recipients.
Peace, my friends
Many congratulations on your award. And well deserved.
Hello! Thank you very much for my award. I really appreciate it.
Congratulations on your award. You are very deserving of this award.
I look forward to every new post that you do.
Thanks again. Lisa
Hi Bobbie,
Congratulations on your award! Well deserved! You've chosen fantastic blogs to pass it onto. They are all on my favorites list, too!
On a different subject, I was out today, and by coincidence, I saw a lady with a Hugo! She proudly showed me all the bells and whistles and I think it just might work for my mother! Thank you for your help!
Thank you, Bobbie!
It's always an honor to receive an award--nice to know that people you respect feel as they do.
I'm really behind with posting and passing awards along (I have 2 others I have yet to finish up) but I'll try to get back on track.
Sometimes life throws it on, piles at a time!
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