Once again we would like to thank our hosts: Klaus, Ivar, Fishing Guy, Sandy, Wren and Louise. Without them there would be no Sky Watch.
And once again I am turning to my daughter, Kathryn, for photographs. She took these in Pacific Grove, California, where every year at this time there appears a carpet of purple ice plant. Combined with the water and the beautiful blue skies, it makes a fantastic picture. If you see a small person in any of the photos, that would be my youngest grandson.
A beautiful day in Pacific Grove.

A path through the purple carpet.

Watching the boats in Monterey Bay.

Somewhere in this purple carpet you might find my grandson.

And she had one made into a jig saw puzzle for me for Mothers' Day.

You may be able to tell on this one that the purple continues for a couple of miles, along the shore of the Bay.
oh how I want to be there!! does Kitty need a nanny for I? ;)
the puzzle is a lovely gift
Oh what a lovely place ... and as always Isaac is looking adorable..
What incredible beauty Kitty captured. These are fantastic photos. All that purple makes beautiful music inside my heart. I have to go there! :-)
As always, Zach always looks like he's in his element. Those blonde curls are just too precious.
that is a gorgeous view...enjoyed it many a time when i lived in california. and i miss it so much.
have a wonderful weekend.
So beautiful a beach, thanks for sharing!
what a lovely sight Bobbie. one to look forward to each year.
What a lovely grandson you have too.
I've driven thru Pacific grove quite a few times and enjoyed all these lovely sight from the freeway but never stopped to look closer. Thanks for sharing. I should make a point to stop next time I'm in driving thru the area.
Oh, how gorgeous! All of that colorful beauty and the beach and the water, too! I'd be sure I'd died and gone to heaven! Thanks so much, Bobbie, and thank Kathryn for me, too!
Dianne - Yes! Kitty needs a nanny for I. Come! Come!
That purple carpet makes me wanne roll in it
That pruple carpet is so gorgeous I had to remind myself to look at the sky!! It's all wonderful!
What a most beautiful spot this must be!How exciting it must be to wander around admid all of that beauty!
How beautiful...I love the second shot and the Where's Issac pic. I think I can see his little head. That is really cute. I am guessing the purple carpet is flowers. So lovely. Thanks for sharing : )
Isaac fits in with this beautiful landscape perfectly. I always love seeing his gorgeous hair too.
Love that area of the country. Never been there in Springtime. Thanks for sharing.
What an incredible place! That looks so gorgeous! That purple carpet is totally awesome!
REally really beautiful! I want to be in that purple carpet in the midst of that...wth your grandson. This is so beautiful. Thank you so much for sharing. :)
Your daughter takes very nice photos! Love the scenes!
That was one thing that struck me about California, just how completely gorgeous it all was!
Bobbie: Your daughter has an eye for beauty.
Beautiful carpet of purple... so pretty !!
Wonderful shots and your grandson has gorgeous blonde curls :-)
That was a nice thing your daughter did, for Mother's day ... that photo makes the perfect jigsaw!!
Wow! I can't imagine all of those flowers!
Lovely photos,the combination of seaside and flowers is stunning!
What's up with your heart, I've had 2 valves replaced and am still here.
Love that purple carpet! :-)
Spectacular! I love these shots.
These are BEAUTIFUL photos of a lovely spot I've not visited in a while, but now I'm thinking of a road trip ... just because ;--)
Hugs and blessings,
that purple carpet is amazing!
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