Sunday, September 20, 2009

Mellow Yellow Monday

Our friend, Drowsey Monkey, hosts Mellow Yellow for us every week, for which we are very grateful.

I have what I think is a strange assortment of pictures this week. But they are all very yellow, no doubt about that.


12 comments: said...

excellent yellow color. diverse and interesting!
Well done Bobbie.

Kathie Brown said...

So, are you feeling mellow now?

Magical Mystical Teacher said...

Yield to walkers
or else you will be handcuffed
and led off, you see!

My Mellow Yellow

Anonymous said...

Yellow really stands out, doesn't it? Nice selection of yellows here.

MaR said...

Pretty yellow on your shots!!

Stephanie V said...

There's kind of a road theme going on here. Nice yellows.

Clara said...

Great yellows. I really like the little sign in the middle of the road.

Sandy "From the Heart of Texas" said...

Definitely plenty of yellow going on in those photos! Love the first one of the sign in the road.

Dinah said...

Pretty yellow shots! we see yellow everyday!

To Be, To Be. Tutubi.
Okay Ukay

scart said...

Great photos. They are all well captured. Hope u had a wonderful Monday :)

storyteller at Small Reflections said...

Kewl yellows. Variety is fun ;--)
Hugs and blessings,

Carly said...

Nice creativity in your pictures!