Saturday, May 30, 2009

Dr. Seuss Lives

Remember that crazy looking mandevilla that I tried to nurse through the winter indoors? I named it my "Dr. Seuss plant". Well, just in case anyone cares, I did move it out of doors this spring. It is alive - barely. I had hoped that it might actually start thriving and give me more of its beautiful, big flowers. Turns out, it is still hanging on, still a skinny, scrawny little thing. No flowers. No buds. But still a few nice, green leaves. I haven't the heart to dump it after it has survived so long. It is on my front step, under the hummingbird feeder where it lived last year, but sort of hiding behind a huge pot of petunias. If it ever decides to climb the pole toward the feeder, it is free to do so. Poor thing.


kenju said...

That surprises me, Bobbie. I thought you'd report that it had taken over your house. I wonder why it doesn't like it out there?

Daryl said...

Its as if it was imprisoned - although you did it to save its life - and now it facing the harsh reality of the outdoors, I think if you give some fresh dirt and a little plant food it might perk back up

Ramblings of a Villas Girl said...

It may just surprise you and take off and produce those beautiful flowers that you and the hummers love so much.

KG said...

I bet that thing will come back - it seems way too hardy to just keel over.