What remains clearly visible are two nests. One is an eagles' nest in Canada - in Delta, B.C. T

The oth

And that's about it for today.
In our part of the world, the heat is gone for the present, and it is rainy.

Traveler, the path is nothing more than your footsteps; traveler, there is no path, a path is made as you go. You make the path as you go, and on looking back you see a trail that never can be walked again. Traveler, there is no path, only a wake in the sea. - Antonio Machado
At least they turned the wide-view Hornby camera back on. Must be frustrating for the scientists even more than the general viewers like us why the lens gets dirty. I'm still rooting for that single chick!
Oh, the birds just get cuter with every photo you post! And how beautiful those pink flowers are! Sorry about the rain -- coming from Seattle, I wouldn't wish that on anyone right now! But we're having some lovely days, so I'll quit complaining! Have a great week, Bobbie!
The rain hasnt made it up here yet .. I am hoping it doesnt ... tho I cant complain since we had 4 amazingly beautiful days
I love seeing the babies
I'm find relief in the cool, for some reason warmer weather is getting to me this season - maybe it's my feverish personality ;)
and I do prefer nature watering things -
Oh my those babies are cute.
Hello! I checked on the birds today. It amazes me how quickly the grow. Speaking of grow, this rain with definitely make things grow, but I for one would like to see several days of sun this week:o) Lisa
I was sent a live web cam from Canada but I must have gotten rid of it. At one time it showed the mom taking a fish back to the nest. It was great. I was hoping to send it to you but. . .
Jewel is a perfect name for hummingbirds.
The heat may have gone from your part of the world but we've really got a strong dose of it here mixed in with volcanic vog. Yuck!
Good luck with your garden.
Thanks anyway, Ralph. Nice of you to try.
I love seeing baby birds - or baby animals of any type, for that matter.
Your petunias are lovely.
Phoebe and Jewel. Love their names.
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