Won't you join us at Think Green Thursday, hosted by Gina of The Pagan Sphinx? We can use your suggestions and ideas.

In times of stress I find relief and relaxation from two things - either sitting by the water, or surrounding myself with greenery. I find both of these things at Leamings Run Gardens.

I am so grateful to have such a place near my home.

I'm sure most of us can find such a place nearby, if we have not created one in our own back yards.

Mother Nature is very kind to us. We have to look for ways to be kind to her. We need to do everything possible to assure ourselves that our world will remain as happy and comforting for our children and their children as it has been to us.

We are in serious danger of losing the beauty that has surrounde

We must do all we can to preserve what we have.
You are absolutely correct. We must do all we can to preserve and conserve. Leamings Run is a beautiful place to go to remind, even though we shouldn't have to be reminded, ourselves to take care of what we have.
Terrific post, Bobbie! and your photos are breathtaking! I feel the same way about nature and it has nourished, comforted, soothed and enriched my life for as long as I can remember. Thanks for the beauty and the reminder of how fragile it is.
Here here! nicely said!
Beautiful garden! Your words are so true. I hope we'll have even more wonderful green places like this. Have a great day :)
Beautiful collection of green spaces. Indeed, green arounds us seems to create a sanctuary away from daily stress!
I'll join in.
a refreshing collection. yes, we take a lot from nature. the important insight of our generation is that we must give back as much, if not more, of what we have taken.
It is great that you have accesss to such a soothing beautiful place! I'm all for installing urban greenspaces even in the smallest corners and on rooftops, so everyone can enjoy the benefits!
Excellent post... equally good photos!
Having a lot of trouble getting your blog to load/open the photos on the sidebar ...
nature is so much kinder to us than we are to her, we need to correct the balance and people like you are the answer :)
I'd like to visit that place, maybe I need to head on down the parkway
The disrespect we have for the planet is a form of either arrogance or plain stupidity. It's a tad of both. Sorry. I have a wild hair about this lately. It makes me feel truly anxious and helpless sometimes. But this post lifted me up, so I thank you for that. Your blog is a really good one to come to for doses of sanity, Bobbie! ((hugs))
I'm glad you joined in this week.
Great post Bobbie, the photos and you words blended together to make a relaxing little article, thanks!
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