Sunday, September 27, 2009

Mellow Yellow Moday

Drowsey Monkey is hosting Mellow Yellow Monday for us once again. Drop over and say thanks, and enjoy all the cheerful yellow photos.

Autumn is really here. I took these at a nursery on Route 47.


claudie said...

So tell me... where is Route 47? I have no idea. Looks perfect, but probably really far from where I live lol
Happy MY
Love Claudie from Canada

Anonymous said...

The season is definitely changing now, isn't it?

Carletta said...

Love the fall colors in the first one! The orange pumpkins pop out - hard to believe October is almost here.
Lovely shots!

Anonymous said...

Greeting from Bulgaria.Very good photos.

Megan, Life Revamped said...

that's a burst of color!

happy MYM! come and visit my MYM if you have the time!

Chie Wilks said...

great photos for MYM...

Magical Mystical Teacher said...

O golden splashes—
chrysanthemums you make me
rich beyond belief!

My Mellow Yellow

Carol said...

Nice the fall colors you've captured...

life's journey said...

It looks pretty! Thanks for the comment.

Happily Retired Gal said...

Lovely yellows in each of your photos!
Hugs and blessings,

katherine said...

i love to see those plants especially on the 2nd pics. great shots. Happy MYM.

Thanks for the comment anyway.

♥peachkins♥ said...

those are nice shots of yellows!