Once again, I want to thank Michelle for bringing Think Green Thursday to us.
This week I also want to thank my daughter, Kathryn, because she and her husband, Mike, took the four pictures I want to show you. They are four very good reasons why we so desperately need to preserve this world of ours.

I think that they speak for themselves.
Awwww...Beautiful children having great fun without video games. You are so right, the photos speak for themselves... Great post Bobbie. --Michelle--
Bobbie, that first photo makes me terribly nostalgic for my childhood. I spent countless happy hours in a creek very similar to that one. It was my favorite place to be.
Yes they do, definitely!
Yes, these photos speak of the joy of nature and beautiful children playing. Thank you for such a lovely welcome. I just arrived in Madrid and have a mountain of housechores to do. And then I go back to work. And I enjoyed my summer ennormously, but am so happy to be back.
Fabulous ...
Yes, they do speak, and so eloquently! The joy and wonder are just beaming off those kids!
They do indeed, bobbie. Kids in Nature's playground - what a joy. :)
Good reasons indeed.
They do speak for themselves, Bobbie! Happy Think Green Thursday! :)
That's what it's all about. Beautiful tribute to nature and childhood. Really priceless.
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