It hasn't been all that long yet, but I know that it won't be much longer before I start getting cabin fever. I don't like being cooped up indoors. and I want to get out with my camera. I keep thinking of all the places I'd like to be to take pictures. It gets a little weird as I try to come up with shots I can take inside the house or from the windows. Not taking pictures is not an option. It's what I do.
This is when I start thinking of things to complain about. For instance - Why, when I type in some word for a tag or label to my post, does Blogger feel compelled to add words to it? I just typed in "cold". Blogger decided I meant "Cold Spring Village". If I type in "Isaac" Blogger will invariably turn it into "Call from Isaac". Then I have to (assuming that I've noticed what they have done) stop and delete the unwanted words. I pick on Blogger a lot, don't I?
So, have you planned your garden for next spring? I have received garden catalogs in the mail already. And yes, I have already sat and circled all the lovely things I'd like to buy from the catalog. Not that I will send for all those things. My initial perusing of the catalog involves ALL the things I would like, and has no relation to the size of my garden or my own capabilities. I've circled everything from ground cover right up to blue spruce trees, and from carrots and squash to giant phlox and holly hocks.
My daughter called me today from California. She's thinking of putting in a winter garden. I envy her the California climate. She

I think most of my gardening next spring will be done in containers. They are much easier for me to manage now. But I will try to get very large containers and lots of good, rich potting soil. For now, I think I'll go take a nap and dream of my wonderful garden to be.
I know how you feel about the weather! we've had more than our share of cold, wet, snow, ice, avalances and flooding to last for several years! Really enjoyed your nice long post though! I'm ready to get out and take pictures, too. Stay warm and safe. Have a good weekend.
I don't like the cold either. It's snowing here a little. I got my errands done just as the freezing rain and sleet started. I love to graden. I start my flower seeds in my basement under lights in Feb. and March. I missed doing it last year, just ran out of time. This year there is to much junk down there to clear enough space. I have been wanting to revamp my biggest flower bed, so that's what I'll do and buy a few things.
I only garden in containers now, Bobbie. I have a hard time bending over and lifting, so they can't be too large.
I hope you don't get ice and that you can get out to see some nature soon.
Brr! That is too cold for me!
I haven't planned any gardening-but without a green thumb and living in the desert where things seem to wilt without a ton of water-I am looking to plant a bunch of succulents, maybe a new tree. We are very conservative about water, so our lawn is dormant and crispy-so we'll reseed in the spring too.
I haven't found the garden excitement yet, but after Valentine's I will start thinking of spring. Right now I just have finally accepted that winter is here and I even bought a scarf today to keep out the freezing temps and driving wind when I am out of doors. We are avid gardener's though and I love the time of renewal when the snows have gone, and the days get longer, and I search my garden area daily for signs of regrowth. Those are definitely things to dream of.
I have a MAJOR black thumb. I could easily kill that Dr Seuss plant you have and then some. I can keep children and animals alive, but I'm a total failure with plants!
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