Hello, and Happy New Year!
Appropriately enough, Carmi's theme this week is New. If you go to Written, Inc. you will no doubt find lots of pictures on the theme. As for me, the first picture that popped into my mind was this one of my grandson, back in 2005.

Then I thought of one my daughter sent to me just this week. Same boy. Only now he is NEW to ice skating.

I can't claim to have taken either one, since they are on the west coast, and I on the east coast. I just thought they were appropriate.
Great photos! How exciting, just think of all the "news" he will have in his life!
Nice photo's and Happy New Year!
He is such a cutie .. I love the idea of ice skating in So Cal!
I wanted to say that I love the stuff on your left hand side of the blog. I agree ...
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