My most recent surprise came when I brought my mandevilla plant inside to over-winter. It took off right away, and hasn't stopped growing, but in such an unusual and ridiculous way that I'm not sure what to do with it. I will be further surprised if it actually survives and blooms again in the spring. This is how it looked last week, but of course it's still growing, inches every day. I've been calling it my Dr.Seuss plant.

My next photo has appeared before, in the Camera Critters meme. I took this picture at Leaming's Run Gardens. It involves a triple surprise. First, an elderly couple who had passed over the bridge before I arrived there, looked back over the water and saw me there. They called across to warn me that there was a snake on the bridge. I surprised them because, instead of retreating as they expected me to do, I hurried toward the bridge to see it. Next, I was surprised by the size of the snake, and by its locaiton on the railing. And third, Mr.Hognose was very surprised to see me approaching, and decided not to stay.

You can see more photos on the surprise theme at Written, Inc.
I would have gone to see the snake too, isn't nature wonderful. Your Dr Seuss plant looks happy, maybe it's too happy, prolly something in the water...
What a huge snake. I wonder if the hognose is poisonous. I'd do the same thing as you. Great shot!
Wonderful ..that plant is truly a climber looking for a way out of your house!
And that snake.. he wanted you to take his photo .. he's no fool, he knew you were the way to his 15 minutes of fame!
WOW. You are brave!! I cannot bring myself to stop fearing snakes so much. You're the woman!
That plant is really going strong... it's quite a bit longer than your last photos, and that wasn't so long ago.
No fear. There are no poisonous snakes around here. I'm not that much of a fool.
what a cool snake!! I love snakes :)
and your Dr. Seuss plant is like a little miracle
What a cool photo of the snake! I would have done the same thing and I love it's colors!
That Mandevilla grows impatient for spring, I see... still on the move, seeking an exit. Excellent snake! I, too, would have sought out this photo op - he's handsome! Nice to think that warmth and sun are getting closer, every day. /Deb
I had thought this was a difficult theme,but you have managed it well. I remember the snake encounter from your previous posting and your reaction to it was different from what mine would be.
Sometimes pasat I have brought Geranium plants in for the winter and their growth seemed to be unnatural as they also extended their stems in such a vigorous way such as your mandevilla is doing.
Happy Friday!
So much wonderous content! aloha-
So fearless !
Good photo !
It's a good sized one. Yikes. I have tremendous fear and loathing of snakes. I do not wish them any harm, so sir, but I'm always grateful when they keep their distance.
Good take on the theme!
I share Pagan Sphinx's attitude toward snakes!! Your mandevillea is amazing, and it may fool you this summer.
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