Shadow Shot Sunday is really fun! Visit Hey Harriet and find out for yourself.
It's pretty chilly in my part of the world right now, though I know you people in Australia, where this meme originates, are toasty warm. I guess I'm yearning for some of that warmth. The pictures I chose for today were taken before the cold January days. They are of a ceiling fan in my home. As I lay in bed, staring at the ceiling, I became fascinated with the shadows above the fan.

Then I played a little with them, taking a picture of the fan full speed, and then again, as I slowed it to
Come to think, it doesn't make me remember the warmth. It makes me feel colder.
Hello! The pictures are great and I have to admit that I had a good chuckle reading this. It is amazing what can amuse us. Lisa
You're so right - who needs fans or even shadows when in the middle of a northern winter!! But they are neat photos, and I got a good grin out of your post anyway!
I was really the same thinks as Lisa, about the ceiling fan. Well you are creative and haven't run out of ideas.
You must have a remote with that fan. Cool shots (pun intended).
What's the code for putting snow on your blog? I've looked for it but couldn't find it for Blogger.
The only time a ceiling fan makes me feel warm, is when I remember running one in our cabin in the Rockies, we ran it to distribute the heat from the pot-belly stove around the those were the memories.
have a great day!
Great shots! and different! I have to admit that I did get a shiver down my spine as it is anything but "fan" weather here.
I really like the first one. Great job.
An even greater job? Minus 25 pounds. Great! Fabulous! Fantastic! Holy Moley! Wonderful! You're the best!
I'm chuckling as I picture you lying there with your camera, playing with the fan. :)
For anyone who wants snow on their blog, it's a widget:
I am laughing for you must be such an expert with pulling the chain the right time or combination; to speed it up or turn it off. We have one in our kitchen that previous owners installed and I have yet to figure out the three chain combination!! I just know I do something right for after a while I get the thing turned off :-) Lovely shadows.
What a fun way to experiment with shadow shots! Loved the variations!
Interesting perspective. I will have to start looking up more!
The whirling ceiling fan amuses me when we I was a young girl. Could lay down and fall aslept, I remembered!
Wonderful done!
I like the idea for these shots. The first and third shots really caught my eye.
Haha! You are funny! Very inventive shadow shots, love the last one best. I'm sorry it's so cold in your part of the world and if I could send you some of our Aussie warmth right now I would!
Ha...turn those fans off...great shadows..but they will make you cold.
I guess we always want what we can't have. I'm totally in the mood for a little snow and some skiing, and yet down here it was a balmy 70 today! Gorgeous, of course, but I DO miss skiing!
lol! If only you could look at that and feel colder when you actually need the sweltering heat of summer...but then all I can usually think of is how hot I am! lol. I am a spring and fall girl...I like 72 degrees! Funny shots!!
brrrrr.....but the shots are great!
Fun pictures!
Bobbie, you are so creative. These are great.
Fan pictures! Really like the first one and great idea to try to see the effects of the others.
Hello Bobbi, nice shadows..even nice fan. You are creative and this shadow shot gets all of us hunting for it everywhere, inside and outside :D
Now you were really getting creative..Very good shots, but the thought of my fan being turned on now, gave me a chill..Snowing right now..Happy SSS.
Gee bobbie, these are fantastic shots! I share with you the chill of living in a place that very cold right now! :)
I like your experiments with photographing the fan! Cool shadows!
my favorite is the one where it is slowing to a stop!
I especially love that third shot, though sitting here shivering as I am, the idea of a fan just adds and extra level of chill.
Cool shots, so much fun!
I never would have thought of shadows made by a fan! Cool!
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Brilliant take on the topic - excellent shots!
COOOL! Way cool! Interesting shots, as you breeze through the early morning. Nice perspective!
You made me look up at my big wooden fan, with the four lamps attached. Yikes! It will be some time before I try your experiment... at least not until I do some extreme dusting./Deb
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