Once again time for Sky Watch, hosted by Sandy, Louise, Wren, Ivar, Fishing Guy and Klaus. Please go here to participate or to simply view some wonderful skies, world wide.
My entry this week is very similar to last week's pictures. When I stepped out on my front step, one early evening last week, I looked up through the plane trees, and saw the moon rising above me. Couldn't resist the shot. So here it is. Please realize I have only a little point and shoot camera.

I'm glad I did take the photos when I did. We never got to see the full moon because of the heavy cloud cover the next few days.
Lovely and mysterious looking, maybe Dracula is lurking out there somewhere! You always have lovely photos, Bobbie, regardless of what kind of camera you use!
Wonderful shot, Bobbie. It is too cold here today to even step outside!
Very pretty shots, especially the second one where the fruit of the tree partically eclipses the moon!
Pretty, but eerie and spooky at the same time. They'd make great halloween skies.
I agree with Judy, we are under frigged weather conditions, brrr, nice photos.
That picture has a mysterious quality about it.
Nice .. and the snow falling on the blog adds to it!
Hello! Even though you have a point and shoot camera, they are beautiful shots. Lisa
Great mysterious skies.
Trying to shoot the full (or nearly full) moon with a P&S is a challenge to say the least. I'm surprised you got what you did!
I thought we were going to miss out on the full moon too, and I suppose technically we did, but it was close enough to full the next night so I faked it.
Nice shots -- especially with less than optimal gear for the task.
The moon has been lovely here lately!!
Yep, you've got to catch the moon when you can here in Ontario too. ;-)
Your sky shot reminds me of the view here this morning when the moon managed to burn through the clouds while it was snowing. Absolutley magical. Thanks for this!
That IS something hard to resist. I love a bright moon through bare trees.
Your skies look a lot like mine have this week - gray. The moon was a great addition!
I didn't get to see the big full moon either that was supposed to be the biggest of the year.
Hope you are feeling better than your previous post. Blessings to you.
Bobbie ~ I was chasing that same moon, having the same cloud cover problem... it was obscured the night of, but I managed to get some night and early AM pics, before and after. My little Polaroid, with teeny digital zoom, never does justice to this subject, but I keep on trying!
Love the lighting and silhouetting... beautifully eerie! /Deb
the moon is beautiful seen thru the bare branches.
Very beautiful pictures.My favourite pic is the last picture!
You do well with the equipment you have used lovely pictures.
Isn't it awesome when you can capture the moon like that?! My camera doesn't capture moon shots without a tripod. Awesome work!
I actually like the haziness. It enhances the mystical feel of these night time shots. Very nice moon shots indeed.
bobbie, your shot may not be a close up but it has its own ambiance as seen through the trees against that pewter sky. It feels mysterious and dreamy and like I want a cup of hot chocolate with whipped cream piled high!
They are still lovely regardless of what camera you use because of how you have shown us Bobbie. Very pretty.
Please know that the other blog I had is no longer active but am using a new condensed and "general" blog...
I just want u to know that, k?
Oh gentle moon lighting up the sky...
Cool shots, thanks for sharing.
Regina In Pictures
You did a great job capturing the moon...
i have a little point and shoot camera as well ...i tried to shoot a moon photo ..and i just got zig zag lights...i guess i did something wrong...
Such eerie looking photos. Thanks for sharing
These photos look really retro, nothing to apologize for here. '
`) I'm glad you got your moon shot, it's been hit and miss here.
Bobbie: Tough to capture the Moon but you did well through the trees.
Those are hard to come by! Good work!
Happy Skywatch, Bobbie!
I love those branches and how brightly the moon shines in the photos. Lovely!
I like moon shots ! But it's difficult to catch a good one for me ...
Have a nice weekend !
Wow ... these are impressive for a point & shoot camera. I've tried many times with my Casio Exilim and only occasionally captured something worth sharing.
I'm late in visiting because I was away from home all day yesterday, but I shared twice ... once at Happily Retired Gal and the other at Sacred Ruminations, including a bit of Haiku as usual.
Hugs and blessings,
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