Happy New Year!
I'm starting 2009 with photos from last year. First is a Christmas candle, which is sitting on the shelf at the top of my computer desk.

We put our Christmas gifts into two big baskets, one green, one red. For a day or two after the Big Day, I leave my opened gifts in the basket.

Clicking to enlarge the picture will show you a clearer shadow.
And finally, just because it is the new year, a bottle and a glass. Of course, this happen to be a water bottle, but you get the idea.

Tracey hosts Shadow Shot Sunday at Hey Harriet. Go visit, view lots of interesting shadows, and join in yourself if you like.
That water bottle made a really interesting shadow. Fun to find them and create them, isn't it?
Great idea for displaying the gifts. I always leave mine under the tree until after New Year. I like the bottle and glass image for NY.
That bottle and glass shadow photo is a great shot.
Bear((( )))
Clever idea the baskets .. nice shadows
What neat shadows those baskets make, as does the water bottle, they always amaze me though.
The water bottle makes a beautiful, variegated shadow! And the basket idea is so lovely!
Great collection of photos!
I really like the last photo, turned sepia. Happy New Year.
Such neat ideas for shadows... you really don't think about them until someone else points them out!
You made me laugh with the water bottle and glass! Starting the New Year off with a bang! lol :D Neat shadows and very pretty basket shadows. Happy New Year!!
Ah! It maybe a water bottle on the outside, but what was in the water bottle to start the new year? I know. Just plain water, right?
All very nice shadows, but the baskets are my favorite. Lisa
A wonderful set of shadows. I especially like the third one of the red basket and the two cute bears in the corner. Very sweet!
Happy 2009 :)
Great shots of the basket shadows....love the shadows from the water bottle too!
Happy SSS!
I love the last photo and the shadows of the bottle and glass. Wait until I get my sketch pad, reminiscent of art class 101!
Lovely set of shadows, like them all but the bottle is the coolest of them :D
Happy New Year Bobbie and may 2009 brings lots of happiness to you and your family.
Cool shadows. The baskets are such a nice idea for gifts.. and such pretty baskets. They create great shadows too. I enjoyed your skywatch photos too. Beautiful skies.
Happy New Year!
I especially like the shadows the baskets cast!
Happy New Year and shadow hunting!
What a wonderful job of shadows and they tell a lovely story..Good pictures..
I like the shadows, Bobbie! Interesting ones! :)
Great Shadows on that bottle and glass! Thanks for sharing! Have a great day!
I love your various shadow shots!
Happy New Year!
I love the shadoes created by sun through blinds or in this case the basket and the bottle - all that detail is so cool!!
Neat selections of shadows..Until this meme, I hadn't given them any thought at all...
The baskets are a great idea. The girls all leave theirs on the LR sofa for weeks after the day. I think next year I will give them each a basket to keep them in!
I like the warm shaft of light on one SS and the bottle and glass are striking.
Happy SSS!
Ha ha... gotcha w/ the cute bottle of water, of course *wink
So nice to see the Christmas shadows, isn't it.
Love your festive shadows... wicker is neat!
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