I am so happy that my little point and shoot camera has a five times zoom. I can sit in my recliner and watch the hummingbird feeder outside of the front door, across the room, and still take this picture. Not that it's really sharp and wonderful, but it's so much better than I could have managed with my old camera. Guess it doesn't take much to make me happy.
I've always wanted a Nikon. Even though it's only a little Coolpix, it's SO much better!

This little lady seems to have decided that this feeder is all hers.
I don't think she is the same one who claimed it last year. I have also had visits from a male, but not while she is around. I have another feeder at the foot of the steps, but it is out of sight from my chair, where I spend a lot of time.
Nice! Isn't digital wonderful!
I finally saw my first one..and we have snow showers today the poor things...
Coolpix was our first digital camera and I loved it. I may get another just for snapshots so my computer space isn't all taken up with these high resolution photos of birds I take! That little camera is great to take on trips since it is so small, yet you still get decent photos from it!
Hey Bobbie..congrats on your camera! nice shots!
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