Time again to join Michelle in Thinking Green.
First, let me say that I am a chocoholic. And my favorite is a plain Hershey bar. I really, really love them. BUT.... and that's a very big BUT.
The Hershey Chocolate Company is one that it seems to me feels it is above things like playing fair or caring about the welfare of others. What else am I to believe, since they are very big on publicity for themselves, which of course adds to their popularity, and therefore to profit. This includes promotions which favor charities. I applaud their contributions to charity. But just how far does this go? Does it go beyond our shores and the children we know?
Far from our country, on the Ivory Coast, the big chocolate manufacturers and distributors must buy their cocoa beans. Many companies, which bring us very fine and very delicious chocolate, have become aware that on the Ivory Coast there are hundreds of people working under horrible conditions - a huge number of them mere children - slave labor. These children, like our own, deserve a better life. They deserve to be in school and playing happily, not toiling day after day to supply us with a treat. And many companies have pledged to buy only FAIR TRADE cocoa, which frees these children, and gives the cocoa farmers a fair price, raising their families' standard of living. Hershey refuses to do this.
In the United States we have a shameful history of slavery. But, thank God, our slaves were freed some time ago, and we like to speak proudly of that. Every time we indulge ourselves b

As much as I love my chocolate, I will not buy it unless I see the Fair Trade logo. It's a very small gesture, but it seems to me the least I can do.
Catching up here .. as always you have the best reminder to care about our planet posts ...
I love chocolate so! :-) I like dark chocolate and I've been buying fair trade, yummy dark chocolate with all sorts of goodies packed in it, off and on for years now. However, I still buy Kisses around the holidays because everyone likes them and they're affordable. But we know why they're affordable - on the backs of poor children and their families. I vow not to buy Hershey anymore, thanks to you. We are so busy that sometimes we don't stop to think - we just dump those bags of candy into our carts because it's available so readily. Sigh.
We all have to try and yet there are so many things to have to avoid or demand. It is daunting, isn't it?
Well said. Ann
Chocolate is my weakness.
Wonderful post Bobbie and I haven't been keeping up with this as I should. I will be there right with you on looking for that label... (Thanks for the comment on my medical visit..I have no choice as I have to see this particular physician. So I have to plan for the hours spent better)...Michelle
I think it is a very big gesture & I am glad to know this information because I too am a chocoholic!
Thanks Bobbie.
Wow bobbie, I did not know any of this!
BTW, poetry is happening once again on Kathie's Poet Tree if you are interested. And thanks for pointing me in Christopher's direction!
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