All three of my larger azalea bushes have decided to catch up to one another. There for a while it looked like the white one might be finished blooming before the pink started. Then one pink was way ahead of the other. But this morning I looked down from my top step to see this.

And other good news is this. I don't expect that I will be exploring the whole garden at one time this year. And I will definitely have to do any exploring at all on days with very low humidity. But I always feel better once I have seen this sign go up.
Then there's the bad news. I understand from a friend (I do not do Face Book) that the "Social Network" now has a problem with a hate group, spewing their nonsense and actually praying for the death of the President. I was happy to hear from my friend that my oldest daughter had a few things to say about this, and signed a petition on Face Book itself to abolish this from the site. (I knew we must have done something right in raising those kids. They all turned out pretty good.)
Well, I think I will close for today and go put on the a/c and find something cool to eat for supper. Today may even call for ice cream for dessert.
I love ice cream, beautiful flowers and summer. We have been enjoying some warm temperatures the last couple of days. We have put our hummingbird feeder up and I am waiting to see my first hummingbird of the season soon. I love this time of year when all the beautiful blooms are renewed. It is such a beautiful season. unfortunately I see a few blackflies flying around. Thankfully they are not in their biting mode yet. Enjoy the season each day. Ann winter will return soon enough.
Ah, I get a preview of things to come. Thanks!
Yes, I joined the group for that petition on Facebook as well. Although, I'm none too happy with Obama at the moment. Grrrr!
Love your flowers! They're so beautiful! Don't envy you your humidity though, that's for sure. I've been really upset to read about the stuff on Facebook. Good for your kids!! I'm doing the same thing. Hope you have a great week, Bobbie, stay cool!
Summer? It's definitely only spring over here in Illinois.
Sad about Facebook. We have enough Hate in this country already. Good for your daughter! They are the hope for this country.
Stay cool!
Azalea's are beautiful this time of year. My son even pointed that out to me in our garden over the weekend, with quite a bit of amazement in his eyes.
Enjoy your fine weather, Bobbie! It's sunny here but still very changeable and hardly warm at all at. As for the anti- Mr. Obama hate group...what is the matter with the world? Sad, sad, sad. Peace and love.
thanks, mom.
I signed that petition too .. FB is seriously wrong about that group being permitted as well as all the naked photos it permits but wont permit a photo of a mother nursing
I had ice cream for dinner last nite!
I signed that petition too - thanks to our friend Daryl!
stay cool Bobbie, & yes, ice cream sounds like a good idea!
There is a lot of garbage out there all coated with hate....
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