Right back atcha, Dianne.
Hate to sound so trite, but, I don't know what I did to deserve this. I do know that Dianne's writing is warm and wonderful, and deserves awards. I look forward to reading her posts every day. If she finds mine worthy of recognition, it makes me very happy.
Seriously, Dianne, I blog for selfish reasons. When I sort of stumbled into it I was surprised by the fact that it made me feel good to get my thoughts down in print, and get some feed-back from others. There is no one my age around here any more; the few of us who haven't "gone on to our reward" are scattered over the United States, and it gets a bit lonesome at times. It isn't lonesome any more because I have all of these friends on the web. We can't sit down together over a cup of tea, but sitting at the computer is a pretty good substitute. So, the gratitude is all on my side. Thanks to each one of you who has made my life much more pleasant these days.
neat how these blogs can brew a pretty good cup of tea! Never met a Bobbie I didn't like and after posting below you on one acre wood, thought I would sit a spell with you...thanks for the nice 'break'.
I think a lot of us do it for the same selfish reason - I'm just not sure it is selfish. I too like to get thoughts and idea down in print.
Accept the award - you deserve it.
I for one enjoy reading your blog!
there ya go bobbie. follow ralph's advice! and law student agreed.
just because you get something out of it doesn't in any way diminish what it does for others.
we just all win ;)
Well, thanks, guys. You make me feel good.
Bobbi, I'd love to read your blog, just because of the name thing. Don't know why, but if just seems right somehow. Can't find your url. It doesn't show when I click on your name in the comments, and the way they only give us a little square to read from now, it makes it difficult.
Yes you DO deserve it, Bobbie. You write well and you tell us about your life, and we enjoy reading all about it.
Congratulations, Bobbie! Well deserved! Your warm personality and love for your family and friends shines through.
and I hope you continue to be selfish. I sit here and read your blog from time to time while sipping my coffee and feel like I am sitting with you and listening.
Congratulations on your award Bobbie!
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