We all went over to Joe and Jan's for dinner. Joe is a great cook, and he outdid himself this time. Jan made a yummy dessert.

Isaac loved the BIG back yard at Joe's house. This little three year old managed to connect with a wiffle bat and a rubber ball for four long hits! He throws right handed and bats left. (Or is it the other way round?) But I think the consensus is that we will wait until he's at least five before we declare him a future All Star.
Aunt Ruth is such a bundle of energy at times, and so much fun! She and Isaac had a great time together

Back at my house the next day, Michael went to work on my computer. Yes, he made the switch from Linux to Micro Soft. He spent hours on the job, dealing with the dozens of Bookmarks, hundreds of pictures, and all of the other nonsense I've accumulated and probably should have got rid of long ago.
I had no concept of how much time and work this would involve, mostly created by me and my lack of computer knowledge. I am so grateful for his skill and his patience with me.
Isaac and Aunt Rita enjoyed playing with the castle. He loves that castle. It was his mothers when she was his age.

On Su

It was hard to say good-by, as it always is, but our little boy was more than ready to go home. He throws himself into the enjoyment of the moment, wherever he is and whatever he is doing. But he is always happy to get back to home and pre-school and his routine.
Me too.
It sounds like so much fun! I'mg lad you had such a great time!
Nice to see such an enjoyable conclusion to the visit. Enjoyed the photos!... Deb
What a nice visit this was. Isaac is too cute for words.
You and I both know that one of the best things about a grandchild's visit is that they eventually go home.....LOL
more wonderful photos! sure does sound like a great visit for all.
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