My dear friend and "other daughter", Lisa, has given me the Butterfly Award because she says my blog is cool. I think she gave it to me because it's so pretty, and she knows how much I love butterflies. It really is beautiful.
It should be going in the other direction. Lisa added a new photo blog not too long ago, and it's the greatest! If you haven't visited it yet, I would suggest you do that. She also is participating in the Scenic Sunday meme now. Some of her - no, correct that - all of her nature photos are worth seeing.
Lisa is the best friend anyone could ask for. I enjoy her company so much. Thank you, Lisa, and why don't you put this one on your own Villas Girl Photos, from me? You're the one I'd pass it to first.
And even though, like you, I don't usually pass on awards any more, I don't think I can resist in this case.
Ann, you need this one decorating your beautiful blog, Nature Tales and Camera Trails. Then again, Your other blog, Gallimaufry Gleanings is just as wonderful. They are both deserving. Take your pick.
And Nina, your Nature Remains is so wonderful, and I do believe the Butterfly Award belongs there.
That's it. No strings attached, no rules. Just please enjoy. And again, thank you, Lisa.
Well deserved! Enjoy!
Thank you so much for your kindness, Bobbie, this award will look lovely adorning my nature tales blog. Your thoughtfulness is so much appreciated.
Well for You !
Hello! I did give it to you because it is pretty and because of your love of butterflies. But you do have a cool blog and I enjoy reading it very much.
Thank you for talking so highly about my photo blog. I think you should start one of your own. You have such beautiful photos and they should be shared. Lisa
Thank you, Bobbie--just finding it now--coming up for air in what has been a very heavy week for me--the passing of my mother.
I recall your post in remembrance of your husband, also lost at this time of Thanksgiving--and know that this season will now be remembered with both happiness and loss.
Thank you so much for your regular visits and comments to my blog, and your caring, giving spirit.
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