I missed it! I didn't know! December 7th was the birthday of one of my favorite people!
Traveler, the path is nothing more than your footsteps; traveler, there is no path, a path is made as you go. You make the path as you go, and on looking back you see a trail that never can be walked again. Traveler, there is no path, only a wake in the sea. - Antonio Machado
merci du passage et du commentaire
Dianne is name I choose for my first daughter's blog name. I love that name. Merry Christmas to you! (in advance)
I hope your friend had a wonderful birthday.
what a cool surprise on a Monday morning
and you really didn't miss it, I almost missed it!! lol
and thanks lili11 - glad you like the name :)
you're one of my favorite people too Bobbie.
Giggling, I missed it too but I was just there...then I thought...hmm...I wonder what's happening over at Bobbies. ;)
Happy Birthday Dianne.. you share the day with Husband's Lisa and Catherine's (http://catherinefiveofus.blogspot.com/)son
Well, Dianne, I am glad that we finally did get to wish you a Happy. After all, we don't want to neglect a Grandma! When is she due?
Okay - I'll go over and wish her a Happy Birthday.
Another big virtual hug to Dianne. Not just for having had a birthday but because she's Dianne, too!
Hi Bobbie, I have been enjoying you blog and want to thank you.
I know you have a ton of awards..and that is because you are special to alot of people...
i hope you can handle one more award from me..
HAPPY BIRTHDAY DIANNE-she is one of my favorite blog friends too!
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