today she brought this to my attention from their Newsletter.
I will quote this word for word:
"Mariposas Action: Justice, Hope and Renewal
On May 3-4, 2006, police arbitrarily detained more than 45 women in response to protests by activists from a local peasant organization in San Salvador Atenco, Mexico. En route to "Santiaguito" prison, dozens of the women were physically, psychologically, and sexually abused by the arresting officers in police vehicles.
This May makes the third anniversary of the events at Atenco. yet the women continue to wait for adequate justice, and those responsible continue to enjoy impunity. The women have chosen the mariposa (butterfly) to represent their case and to symbolize their need for transformative justice and their own personal renewed strength for having endured and survived such torture. For the next two months, until the anniversary of the events at Atenco on May 3-4, Amnesty International activists are making paper butterflies to send to the Mexican authorities to demand justice in this case. Please join us and make as many butterflies as you can - get your friends and family involved and demand justice for the women of Atenco!"
For a butterfly pattern and instructions go to:
You can send butterflies directly to the President of Mexico at:
Lic. Felipe de Jesus Calderon Hinojosa
Presidente Constitucional de los Estado Unidos Mexicanos
Residencia Oficial de "Los Pinos", Casa Miguel
Col. San Miguel Chapultepet
Mexico D.F., C.P. 11850


Go to the site on your computer, or enlarge one of these photos.
Color or decorate the butterfly however you wish. You may sign your name on it if you like. - Cut it out. - Mail it to the President of Mexico. Send a letter if you wish. - Encourage family and friends to do the same.
For more information on this case, go to:
If you save one of these patterns and print on 8 1/2 x ll paper, it should work well.
Postage is 72 cents if not over an ounce.
I'll look this case up. How awful!
I'll post this on my blog and link it to yours and I'll make butterflies! Thanks for the info, Bobbie, we all do what we can and hope something comes of it!
What a wonderful way to protest. Thanks for the information on this case and the butterfly link.
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