Yesterday I received a letter from my friend in Honolulu. She had been cleaning out drawers and things, and came across a few old pictures of me, which she enclosed for me. So I enjoyed a session of "remember when...". There was even one of me wearing nothing but a YMCA towel. Well, you see, one of the girls we worked with lived on the female floor of the local YMCA, but we thought it was a great joke at the time.
She also

sent copies of these two pictures of Ralph and me, taken shortly before we were married. 1957 folks! I'm not sure why he was wearing a white shirt and tie. We were only visiting my brother. I guess he wanted to impress my family. He very rarely put on a tie. And would you look at me. How skinny was I! I have to tell you, until I look into a mirror, this is actually how I

think of myself still. But then I do look into that mirror, and I learn the sad truth. I said that to my oldest daughter, and she told me she feels the same way about herself. I guess it's pretty common for most of us to mentally picture ourselves as something other than who we are. I comfort myself with that thought.
If I cared to, I could really upset my three oldest children now by including a picture she sent me of them. But I won't do that to them. I don't know what possessed me, but one year for our Christmas card I dressed them as Mary, Joseph, and the Baby Jesus. When I look at it today, even I shudder. What makes us do things like that to our kids?
Well, before I start reminiscing again, I think I'll close this post. More another day.
Fabulous post and photos ... for a lomg time I would walk past a mirror and do a double take .. I really forget my hair is not black and wavy ... in fact last nite I got home and Husband was transferring some old video tape to DVD .. it was the week before Christmas 1987 (I think he said 87) and I was helping my friend D trim her tree .. her son who will soon be a father was maybe 10 and so adorable ... my hair was black, long and wavy ...
Great post and how fun to see the pictures of you and Ralph in the younger days! Sometimes it is scary to look back and think how far we've come from those days. You both look great! We did do silly things to our kids back then, didn't we? Have a great weekend!
It's so nice to see long-ago photos, Bobbie. You both look very good. I, too, think of myself in my former skinny self. Happy Easter!
Fun reminiscing but looking in the mirror always brings me to the sad reality I'm not small and I have wrinkles. :)
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