My offering will be two photos of my hummingbird feeder. I've already hung it outside my front door, even though it's early in the season and I've seen no hummers, because there have been sightings already in New Jersey. Since there are few flowers blooming for them to find, we should have some feeders full of nectar, just in case.

It has been hanging in the cold rain as well. Small and delicate as the hummers are, they do manage to fight the wind and feed, even in a downpour. They are amazing little birds.

What a pretty feeder!
What a beautiful feeder! I love it! I want to look for one just like it!! Thanks, Bobbie, have a great evening and a lovely tomorrow!
Hey its very nice and best way of expressing,…kindly check ma blog and do comment/.if u like it much add it as ur favourites…
What a great feeder. The hummingbirds are just starting here in my garden, too.
Your Los Altos photos are great too.
I hope you get a lot of hummingbirds. They are so pretty.
I love your hummer feeder. We don't get the ruby throat here -- we get the Rufus,Caliope, and Black Chinned. I haven't seen one yet - but my feeder is out.
A great take on 'floral' --
(maybe great because hummer lovers think anything hummer is wonderful!)
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