"The only thing we can count on is change." So true. In our every day lives, that can sometimes be disturbing. There are many things we wish could stay the same forever. Doesn't happen. On the other hand, I usually find change exciting. I have never liked routine. I like diversity - variety - not knowing what will happen next. In my own life, that is. Where other people are concerned, I like dependability. I like to know, if someone says they will show up, that they will show up. If they tell me they will do something, I want to know it will be done. In other words, I guess I want it both ways. That doesn't happen either.

It looked like flame, against a dull, gray sky.
Today I found that it had changed completely. Now it looks like this.

I was pleased. It was turning to gold.
I find both beautiful. I can't choose favorites in nature. I've never understood why people so often ask us to choose a favorite of anything. How can one choose a favorite flower, or color, or whatever? They are all lovely, and anyway, it would depend on one's mood, wouldn't it? We favor one thing over another depending on how we feel. I frequently find myself saying, "Oh sunflowers! They're my favorite!" or another day saying, "Oh, columbine! My favorite flower!" Silly. It just depends on my mood, or where I happen to be, or what circumstances exist at the time.
I have no idea where I intended to go with this train of thought. I just saw the change, took the pictures (well, the second set of pictures), and sat down and started to type. So here we are. I guess I'll leave it at that for now.
I find myself doing exactly the same things! I find beauty in all the seasons of the year, in the world around me and I do love the changes! The world around us is never boring and perhaps that's because it's never the same for very long. Beautiful photos and lovely words! Thank you!
I love seeing the leaves change and I have noticed it more this year than last; that they change and change again.
I have never seen a flower I didn't like, so I don't pick favorites either. If I were going out to buy flowers for myself, it would most likely be roses, but when irises are in season, I choose them!
Hello You !
Nice words... The wolrd is beautiful all the seasons...
Smile for You...
You are beautiful photos... But here, it's cold and "great" wind... Also, the flowers are "crazy"...
See You later.
I guess that's what I miss MOST now that we've moved to Hawaii... the change in seasons. I loved it so much to see all of nature's wardrobe.
I'm with you -- its never wise to say 'favorite' because another one will be right around the corner. Aren't there just so many beautiful things in the world to see and comment on? Thanks for sharing your train of thought.
Happy Monday!
I know just what you mean. That's become my frequent answer when asked what my favorite is, I say - the one I'm looking at or listening to or whatever, at the moment!
Why choose when we can have it all! Lovely pictures, Bobbie.
It is nice to ramble on about your thoughts, it clears out the cobwebs of our minds. Change is something we accept all our lives, some good and some bad, I don't mind change as long as it is not to drastic. Liked your post, it seems like fall changes always sneak up on us, please come by sometime.
I once read an article by Ken Kauffman about which bird was his favorite and after a bit of thought he realized it was which ever one he happend to be looking at! You have come to the same wisdom and I agree with you both!
The colors that the changing of seasons bring on are so beautiful. I agree with you, I like change!
Letting our thoughts spill out on the page allows for awareness to grow and clarity to emerge. In Southern California we don’t see the kinds of seasonal changes you’ve shared in your post, but the ocean tides remind me of the constant state of flux in which we live … and why NOW is all there really is.
Hugs and blessings,
Nice .. and its always fun to share our thoughts and pix
I like your words and your pictures! Your write very well... =)
Ok - this post reminds me of what I apparently told my kindergarten teacher when I was given entrance testing to go to kindergarten at this swanky girls' school. Anyway, she asked me what my favorite color was and I apparently told her "I'll have to think about that." What a weird thing for a kid to say.
Anyway - who really has a favorite color? I like lots of colors!
Gorgeous trees!
Haha! I enjoyed your train of thought! I agree about the whole favourites things. Sometimes my fave colour is red. Sometimes it's grey. It all depends on my mood. Yes indeed. Everything changes. Especially favourites :)
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