And we should all be saying, "Thank you, God."
Traveler, the path is nothing more than your footsteps; traveler, there is no path, a path is made as you go. You make the path as you go, and on looking back you see a trail that never can be walked again. Traveler, there is no path, only a wake in the sea. - Antonio Machado
And I want to be one of the first to say Thank You also to people like our Dianne, at Forks Off the Moment, who has worked so hard and so long for this day. Go visit her blog this morning, if you haven't done it yet.
There's a letter there that she must be very proud of, as we all are of her.
This is an incredible night and the beginning of a new day in our country and in the world!
I am so proud of America tonight! The eyes of the world were upon us. So many friends from other parts of the world were so supportive and encouraging during this election. What a wonderful night.
Amen, amen, amen. What an exciting night!
Bobbie... I had tears in my eyes watching Barack Obama give his speech tonight. I am so proud of our country for electing him President. What an extraordinary night!
Congratulations Bobbie.
Congratulations U.S.A.
Finaly you got it right.
Bear((( )))
Cool ! Wait...
We're dancing, too! About time we're done with the GW years. He's destroyed our country. I'm just worried about what he'll do before he turns in his keys in January.
I am proud and happy, but I have to live with mr. kenju who has decided he is under a dark cloud now. Pooh.
Congratulations to all right-thinking people in the USA. Let's just hope the man can now live up to all the expectations. Also, I fear I can sense some rednecks polishing their guns right now. May God be with Mr. Obama.
Feels wonderful this morning, but not in a "we won they lost" way - but a positive way for all.
I don't think I have ever been this hopeful about our country as I was last night watching history unfold. Today truly is a new day!
Hi Bobbie! Yes, today is a good day. A very good day indeed. And I'll be sure to stop by Diane's.
I'd also like to give a shout out to Smarmoofus who has worked tirelessly during this campaign and done so in a very red state (AR).
And for all of the record numbers of voters that turned out, I give the biggest shout out of all. You're the reason we're celebrating today!
Amen ;--)
I forget who said “If the only prayer you ever uttered is Thank You … it would be enough” … but it’s always in my mind and today is no exception.
Hugs and blessings,
Such a beautiful speech, he spoke to everyone...I loved that.
I will be thanking the god-DESS ---Things like compassion and generosity are values of the feminine.
(not that men can't have them...but meaning there is both feminine and masculine in all of us and we have started back toward the balance!)
Well at the very least thank you fellow Americans for having the courage of your convictions and voting the right man into office
thank you Bobbie!
I was listening to Katie Couric say that Obama had already sent messages to all who helped and I was thinking how much that is like him, how cool it was
and I go to my e-mail a bit later and it's there!!
I made some phone calls. I knocked on some doors. I sat at a voter registration table. Oh - and I ran my big mouth a lot.
BUT - I never thought of myself as someone who had done what he describes in the e-mail.
It was/is a wonderful feeling
Love your happy post
and thank you for being a part of yesterday, and kitty came to visit too!!!! that was so cool.
Today, all the WORLD has reason to celebrate! The joy is spreading, palpable. Thank you all for making this happen.
We are all doing a celebratory dance here in Australia! What a wonderful day it was! Oh happy times!
Love the pic of Snoopy :)
I realize quite well that Obama has a tough road ahead and that the country is a mess. I know that he can't possibly live up to everybody's expectations.
But I will also say that i woke up today feeling OPTIMISTIC about the future of our country. And that was great!
It was a touching speech, we all have watched history be made last night!
Promises are easy to make, often hard to keep. We will see. We will see.
The victory is that everyone in this great country that wanted to have a say did - when they voted. The People have spoke. Now will the leaders deliver what they promised?
You came to mind on Tuesday evening! What a long haul and a wonderful outcome. I'm very happy and hopeful and ready for the work to begin.
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