On Election Day the people of the State of California put Barack Obama over the top and there was joy and celebration that night. But the next day many of those same people took a sobering look at what else had happened. The Constitution of the State of California was to be amended to forbid marriage of same sex couples. Huge numbers of people looked at one another and asked, " How could this have happened?" Not just gay couples - many thousands of straight couples and singles were outraged by this result of the vote on Propositon 8. A great many, my daughter and son-in-law among them, I'm happy to say, have since joined a huge protest march held in Salinas, and many others in the state. Tomorrow there will be many other such protest marches throughout the country. But marching is not enough.
Our nation has seen tremendous changes over the past several years. Good changes. The Civil Rights of our citizens have been recognized and injustices have been corrected. We're a long way from perfection, but we've made a big start.
Now is the time to take another step toward Civil Rights for ALL. The sanctity of marriage is not threatened by allowing same sex partners the name and the privileges of heterosexual partners. No one will suffer in any way if the law says that any two consenting adults may marry. All that will happen is that thousands of people who have lived for many years, faithful to one another in a loving, caring partnership, finally have the same rights as every other citizen, and other couples who love one another deeply may embark on the same journey through life, even as you and I have done.
Marching is not enough. There must be a well organized campaign toward reaching the goal, on a national level. All of us must become aware of the struggle. Just as we fought for Civil Rights for black Americans, we must find a way to do this for Gay Rights. Is there a Martin Luther King out there today to lead in this struggle? I don't know the answer to that. But it has to start with every individual becoming more aware. Marching to demonstrate our concern is certainly a beginning. Look for a march near you. Join in if you can. Please.

Amen! I share your frustrations over ignorance and racist beliefs … was saddened by the defeat of Proposition 8 and feel embarrassed at how many Californians allowed themselves to be so easily confused or mislead (succumbing to fear) when the arguments against were so clearly false. I’m hoping the measure will be overturned in the courts … again. I've also shared a video that I found at Lunar Musings on my Blog Rolls & Bling Blog and plan to share it on my other blogs too. You might find it interesting and choose to share it as well.
Hugs and blessings,
very illuminating post and message, bobbie.
the times they are a-changin', but slowly.
thanks also for your visits to It Strikes Me Funny.
have a great day,
gord h.
Incredibly well said, Bobbie. On behalf of my daughter and all gay men and women, I thank you with all my heart.
After this giant defeat, I think the gay community and friends are ready to concentrate efforts in a well run campaign to bring things around. It will take funding; that's what it took for the pro prop 8 people to sneer the gay commnity.
While gay rights experienced a dizzying defeat in CA and other states, there was the victory in CT which is likely, they're saying, to go unchallenged.
Thanks again.
And while there were
Hi Bobbie, I believe in living and let live. I have no problem with this. If 2 people love each other they should have the same rights as others. Like you say it does not hurt anyone. Great post.
I agree with you completely, Bobbie! You couldn't have stated it better.
I do so share the same frustrations over the defeat of Prop 8. I'm discouraged that we still have such a long way to go in assuring all people the same rights. I will continue to do all I can as I know all of you will as well. Thanks for the post!
Beautiful Bobbie
When I say (as I often do) what a calming and intelligent influence you are on me it is posts like this that make me feel that way.
Its time to stop blocking the rights of others based on ignorance
Hi bobbie, thank you very much for your comment on my SWF. I do agree what you are saying here. Anyway I think it is an outrage that the representatives of the people can make a decision, make laws, which will affect many in a detrimental way, without a referendum.
Democracy for all!
I totally agree...great post
Bobby, the times they are a-changin', but very slowly...
See You later !
Well said. Set backs are difficult on the spirit, but I believe it is only a matter of time.
Great post Bobbie, and so well said. I can't believe that California did this! We obviously have a ways to go yet before old barriers come down, but the recent Presidential election proves that it can and willhppen. Let's hope (and work and vote) so that it doesn't take another 150 for gay marriages to be accepted everywhere.
I enjoy the buttons you've shown.
So succinct--so powerful.
Thanks for this post - it couldn't be more true.
It gladdens my heart to know there are open minded people out there who respect the love I have for my partner of 18 years. I do hope to be able to marry him some day - and not just in one or two states but in the United States.
As you say so very well - Civil Rights for ALL.
So beautifull said, and I totally agree with you! It's unbelievable to me that people still have those ridiculous attitudes towards gay people. So wrong! Equality for all! Great post!
So much energy and money going into hate....
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