It is time once again for Shadow Shot Sunday. You will find many wonderful photos of shadows over at Hey Harriet, where Tracey hosts this meme for us every week. thank you for that, Tracey.
It must be spring in Australia, where this meme originates. Here in the U.S. it is autumn, and getting colder every day. Most of the beautiful leaves have fallen, or are falling fast now. I have a young apple tree in my back yard. It was crimson a short time ago, then started to turn to gold. I took these pictures last week. I love to see the leaves, dappled with sun and shadows of one another.

I really think fall is edging out spring as my favorite time of year...I just adore the changing colors...
These are lovely. I adore autumn leaves. I don't adore the autumn temps though! Ick! Yes, it is spring here & in two weeks it will be summer. Mad hot crazy Christmas in Australia! :)
Th leaves in automn are very red and orange !
Are the apples very good to eat ???
Beautiful photos. You do a post like this every Sunday?
Hi! Very beautiful. I love the colors of autumn. Lisa
I love the dappled leaves! They're really beautiful! Ours are almost gone. Lovely pictures and really captures the feel of fall.
Oh, the beautiful colors of Fall! The leaves are gorgeous! Such brilliant colors!
I wish someone would package up some of the beautiful leaves and send them over to Phoenix! I love the colors you have captured here.
I actually went and BOUGHT some silk fall leaves at the craft store because I couldn't find any for my fall leaf song that I was teaching. A little disappointing that we couldn't use actual leaves! There weren't any to be found!
Another wonderful fall photos.
Love the colour of the leaves.
Our beautiful fall leaves have fallen to the ground. they now lie in big piles at the curb. the city folks come by on Monday to vacuum up all the leaves that have been raked to the curb.
They're beautiful, Bobbie.
I looked at these and thought how wonderful it owuld be to stand in all that dappled color - before the now comes!
Great shadow play and striking color! Makes me pine for the recent show - most of our foliage is waiting to be raked up... I guess the season's really over! ~ Deb
beautiful colors! I love Autumn.
beautiful leaves and colors. I love Autumn.
Lovely colours and autumn leaves..too bad, we'll never see or experience them here. Have a great sunday :D
This is very nice colored shadow shot.
Happy Sunday!
From Irene in Sweden, Gothenburg
Beautiful and glad you have the shot for memories, as my leaves are all in my neighbors yard...high winds and cold nose in Iowa!!!
Love all the colors in your shadow shots!
Those are lovely shots! Beautiful colors and soft shadows!!
Oh wow, Bobbie! That's so pretty. I really miss seeing the change of colors in fall. I'm liking the cooler weather that we're getting at least. It's kind of weird to think of Christmas without snow.
Love the soft gentle touch of shadows on these autumn colours!
Love those shadows!
the shadows are so delicate, just lovely..
So lovely!
As a fellow New Yorker, I'm cherishing every last leaf.
They seem to be on very late don't they?
I can safely say, Autumn has pretty much left my area.
Your Autumn leaves are beautiful. Beautifully photographed.
The leaves are so pretty, but they just don't last long enough! We all know what follows that---Snow! I don't like snow!
I love those wispy shadows, makes the light feel like diamonds and somehow it hushes everything.
beautiful Bobbie
Bobbie, I never tire of beautiful, shadowy Fall leaves! Thanks for sharing. I'm participating for the first time in this meme! :)
Great shots! I wasn't able to get out this year for these types of shots. Thanks for sharing.
I love the Fall colors! I think we live in one of the only areas in Southern California that actually experiences the change in seasons. Beautiful photos!
Pretty colors and shadows you've captured, Bobbie. Happy Shadow Sunday!
Great shots of the dappled apple leaves. I enjoyed the birds in your Camera Critters post, too.
Hi! Thanks for commenting on my Scenic Sunday -photo! I like your pictures alot!! Welcome back// Eva
Shadows never looks more colorful! I love dappled sunlight myself!
Lovely shots!
Terrific shadow shots. Very good eye you have!
Gorgeous color you have on those leaves!! We are down to a few straggelers on the branches - so sad!!
Lovely colour and shadowy reminders of a swift passage, then onto the next seasonal delight.
Found you through Carmi and wanted to stop by. It looks like you have found some great picture share memes.
I am going to check those out.
Hello, Thank you for reviewing my poems, much appreciated I can tell you. You must have spent much time reading, LOL. I love to write some are life's experiences others not.
Many are from my book which was published this year.
Once again many, many thanks. will be visiting your blogs again.
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