Ahhh - the Golden Years! Yeah, right.
l. I'm cold all the time. I am a person who was never cold. Others in the office wanted the thermostat pushed up. I was dying of the heat. Even as a kid, my mother was always telling me to wear a sweater, and I thought she was crazy. I loved the snow. Now I dread it. Pretty to look at when it first falls - then that's enough! I want it to go away. I wear socks 24 hours a day now. I wear layers of clothing.
2. Authority figures have become younger and younger. Disturbing.
3. Doctors have become so young! I don't mind that so much except that, being so young, they frequently display character traits I remember well from when my children were young and they and their friends could be thoroughly obnoxious. I find myself wanting to correct the doctor. Not a good idea.
4. Pills. Way too many. I never used to take a pill. Don't like them.
5. Forgetfulness. I know - we all forget things. But I can't even remember what I had for breakfast. Hell, I can't even remember if I ate breakfast. - And names. I can't remember names. Even for people I love.
6. Words escape me. I love words. Language is a beautiful thing. I was never at a loss for words. I might not have spoken them out loud, but they were there, in my brain, and I enjoyed finding just the right word. And I could always write them down. But now I grope for them, and people often help me by suggesting what it is I'm trying to say - and they're usually wrong, and that's annoying.
7. I'm so tired.
8. Nothing is new under the sun. I'm not the first to make that observation. But it's so true. And I've heard, seen, done, or refused to do, it all. I know how the story will end. I do understand because I've been there and back. I've heard all the jokes too. They are still funny. I can still laugh at them. (I've probably forgotten the punch line anyway.) And I can enjoy your pleasure in them.
9. Being misunderstood. Or doubted - that's even worse. People make assumptions about the elderly. Strangers do it. My children do it. Doctors do it. I think my son does it more than most. I hear, "Sure, Mom" in that tone of voice, and I know he doesn't believe what I'm saying. It just couldn't be possible that Mom could know what she's talking about. And then there is that tone of complete surprise when he discovers that I did know after all. That's even more annoying.
10. Waiting for people. I've always been one to decide what I want to do and just doing it. Now I decide what I want to do and wait for someone else to help me do it or take me there or do it for me. That is so hard! No wonder some old people get cranky and crotchety. (Not me of course)
I suppose, in all fairness, I should now do a post on ten things I like about being old. Well, I'm tired. Maybe another day - the Good Lord willin' and the creek don't rise.

And don't forget Margaret and Helen's blog. It's funny.
And it makes sense too.
Oh if I had more time and could gather my thoughts quickly I could write reams for you have touched on many of my irritants too :-) I do hate being misunderstood, but that has been a lifetime experience in so many cases, I'm just not that mainstream sort of person, and waiting is difficult too, I just want to do my own thing and go my own way. But the nice thing about getting older is becoming more independent as others grow from their dependence on me. And Bobbie your posts show such a flair for writing and words and wisdom and that many a younger person does not have.
Oh Bobbie... {Hug}
Tell you what... repost this when you are actually old, k?
I sure hear ya on some of the things you mentioned, they are beginning to insinuate themselves into my life a little at a time. The thing I look forward to the least is having to stop driving. That would be your #10 I guess. And even if you blank out on a word now and then (ditto) your posts are always a wonderful read, full of wisdom and humor and maybe the occasional grouse - but all most welcome!
I can't wait to vote tomorrow. Numbers 1 and 9 are so much like me, too. I have been so dumb and so smart and so dumb again as far as my chidren are concerned. Just depends on the day with them. Drives me nuts though. I am always cold, too. I hate that my hair is thinner and everything sags, too.
Oh Bobbie, this is wonderful! Oh, how true! I feel the same way about many of the things you are saying. I agree with rocky mtn. girl though, you need to re-post this when you are "actually" old! Your energy leaves me turning circles around myself trying to keep up with all you involved in!! I'd give anything to have your flair for writing and expressing your words the way that you do!
Also, "Dopey" said you found a second MM in her SWF post! So from one "Goofy" to another, where is the 2nd MM? I feel like her, turning my laptop in every position trying to find it.
Oh, Lord, you nailed them all! and damnit I deal with everyone of them everyday to one degree or another! There are many plus things that I do like about where I am these days in the aging cycle, but the minuses are still there and can surely take away some of the fun. Thanks, as always, Bobbie!
Bobbie, let me think about this. I'm sure I can come up with ten, but not right off the top of my head. I guess that would be # 1. I can't "think" as good as I once did!
I hear ya' and #9 gets me too. I hear that condescension from one of my daughters. I long to tell her to remember that when she gets old and hears it from her daughters.
I enjoyed your list and relate to much of what you’ve listed. That said … methinks being old is much better than the alternative at this point. I’ll look forward to your list of things you like about being old … when you get around to it ;--)
I do enjoy Margaret and Helen’s blog and appreciate you sharing the link a while back … and I voted last Thursday.
Hugs and blessings,
will be voting tomorrow! I hate being old too! But I'm still smarter than most of the people around me, Bobbie! I don't mean you, though! :)
Hi! I suffer from six of the ten. Does that make me old? I hope not. Don't think of it as getting old. Think of it as learning and experiencing new things. Lisa
Who's calling you old girl? Sounds to me like you still have enough brain cells left. At least it would if I could remember what all you said...
And my vote got rocked last Thursday!
your #9 and #10 really struck me
ever since I hurt my leg I have realized how walking slowly or needing help makes people treat you like you're mentally infirm.
and the total lack of respect!! or regard!!
I've been pushed aside, heard people muttering because I was slowing them down - don't they think it could happen to them? don't they plan on aging?
and the counting on my son and DIL is excrutiating!! everything is a big deal, everything has to be asked for more than once. makes me feel like a pest and then I get cranky.
it ain't easy!!
I've got both my canes ready and I'm out of here in the AM to vote.
I am always cold too .. I think its the back end of menopause ..
And I now write things down as soon as I think of them or I can forget .. and I am only 60!
I'm smiling... Chuttt...
Bobbie, I see you've been to my blog! I always did appreciate you thinking of me and I did not forget your kindness. Another batch of awards will be coming out next Sunday. I see you went to Vickie Henderson's blog. Did you check out her paintings? Thanks for you kind support once again. I love this post. It's a great reminder for those of us younger, though I am catching up way faster than I want to! My father-in-law is always saying, "Growing old ain't for sissies." Well, you must be very brave! I'm going to send him a link to this post! I share your love of words, by the way and have the same frustrations with trying to find the right one due to a slight brain injury from more than one car accident!
Bobbie: I love your impression of the golden years!! You have great wisdom because much of what you said is fact!! I laughed when I read about the doctors...yes they are all getting younger! Ahh...you have a great sense of humor regardless of what age it's good to have that!
Thank you for coming by Nature-Trail so that I can get to know you!!
hugs NG
I certainly can realte to many of the things on your list. You write so well, I enjoy reading your Blog, so keep exercising your brain!
Bobbie--only 10 things you hate.
Mine are too numerous to count.
Good luck tomorrow with the American election.
Bear((( )))
I refuse to believe that you're old, bobbie. You're way too young at heart to be old - and not crotchety! I'm sure, that I, on the other hand, will the the most crotchety old crone of them all!
Great post, Bobbie. Actually, I'm a big fan of layers of clothing - makes getting dressed more interesting. All I can say is, thank God for the wisdom of older people - we should actually start listening!
This is great Bobbie, very funny.I see it being sent around in people's emails shortly!
Though I have to agree with rocky mtn, girl...
; )
I'm OK with being older. I think I'm a bit smarter even if I don't remember what I'm smart about.
Thanks for the smile.
I sure can relate to these items -- and I'm 'only' in my sixties, so who knows what is yet to come!
By the way, I do correct doctors when they need to be corrected, and with no compunction! ;-)
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