Good morning. For this Shadow Shot Sunday I would like to give you a choice of seating.
Would you like a seat in the waiting room?

Or one out on the deck?

Or perhaps you would rather have one under the trees.

Or maybe you'd rather come to the party, because I have a second set of shadow shots today.
My daughter in California sent me these.
She and her husband gave an Obama party last week. Almost everything they ate started with an O - They baked bread in an O shape, pizza, donuts, apple rings, etc. They invented games around Obama and Bush, had Obama masks, etc. they must have had a really good time. The pictures are just a few of the decorations making shadows. She suggested that I might want to use them as shadow shots.

Tracey hosts Shadow Shot Sunday from her home in Australia, at Hey Harriet. Please join us with your shadow shots, or visit us to see what others have for you this Sunday.
I love the star shadows on the floor at the Obama party; and for a bench I would definitely chose the outdoor one in the corner showing the beautiful crosshatch pattern on the deck; I find that one definitely inviting.
I'll sit on the deck.
I LOVE the chairs!
Oh, I think I'd have to play musical chairs, they all look inviting, and the O party - what a fun idea!!
I'll have the deck chair, please! I love the ideas for the Obama party!
I love the colors & shadows in the waiting room. it's amazing how the sun changes everything!
& your daughter is so creative, the star shadows are pretty neat too.
I guess, I prefer to sit on the deck. I really need a vit. D as we have no sun for awhile now. Am freezing to death!
The party sounds fun & you got the perfect shots on the decos.
Have a wonderful SS Sunday!
Book me a spot under the tree, please.
Beautiful shadow shots - I think I will rest under the tree as it looks cool and inviting
I love the chairs!! I'll take the deck ones! And I'd love to have been under the stars at the Obama party! Marvelous shadows all! So sorry I have no way to connect with Mr. Linky anymore, I shall miss the shadow shots, Ruby Tuesday, not to mention Sky Watch and My World. I'll problably post things on those days anyway though, just because it's fun! Have a lovely weekend!
I'll have a seat on the deck please in the warm sunshine...and maybe a Corona with a twist of lime...Oreos for the Obama party would be a nice touch!
You're havin too much fun...
Tons of great shadows! The Obama party sounds like fun! I can't imagine giving a party like that here in Canada for out Prime Minister - but remember, you didn't hear me (or see me) say (or write) that.
I'll take the seat under the trees..thank you very much! The stars look cool:)
Love your deck and the Obama shadow shots are just too cool!
Outside under the tree please!
Sounds like your daughter had a great party!
I forgot to tell you this morning that I left an award for you on my site last night -- you don't have to do anything, but a really sweet gal gave it to me and I just wanted to at least let some of you know how much of an inspiration you are to me and to say thank you.
All great shadow shots, but my favourite is the waiting room one.
thanks for sharing
Most certainly the deck please!
All of these are great shots.
We'll sit with Sharon please....the sun was what we were thinking....anywhere there is sun!!
I'll take the seat under the tree, please! I HATE those doctor waiting room chairs. I swear they most cost $25 a piece and they're all the same ugly colors! And they're ALL uncomfortable! Eww!
What a hoot, having an Obama party! I love the mobiles, very clever. And I'm still considering which seat to take. Happy SSS!
Both sets of shadow shots are wonderful! I'll take the bench under the tree, thanks!
I love the stars at the Obama party, too. The background color of your blog sets off those shots very nicely. My compliments to the photographer(s). :-)
These are my favorites, I think of your shadow shots. Just wonderful.
P.S. I've tagged you for a photo meme on the pagan's eye. Hope you can join, if not no worries.
Well I was going to sit under the tree but that seems to be the most popular choice. Might be a little squishy with us all sitting on that bench!
Love the seating shots & the Obama party ones. What a fun shadow post!
All are beautiful, but I think under the tree for me. Those little benches on the deck don't look like that would hold me:o)
The colors in your waiting room photo are fantastic, I think I'll have the seat under the trees:)
Wonderful shadow shots..Nice to see some warm looking pictures..
Good job..Happy SSS..
An Obama party sounds like a great idea..I am thrilled about him..I will take the seat outside and without any snow...
I take the seat under the trees, please. Great shots, all of them - I especially like the stars.
what a fantastic collection of shadow shots!!
love the wooden bench and love, love the shots from the party!!
Methinks the deck looks most appealing ... though I do like the patterns from and colors of the chairs. Nifty photos for Shadow Shots this week. I posted mine late, but it's at Sacred Ruminations.
Hugs and blessings,
Absolutely fantastic shadows, love the deck chairs. Have a great week ahead :D
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