On Friday, Isaac turned four. At his Montessori pre-school they celebrated in their traditional way. His dad supplied the birthday cake - by request, a giraffe cake this year. His classmates made him a paper crown. And he walked around the circle four times. The candle

in the center represents the sun. The months circle it. The birthday child starts beside the month he/she was born. When he reaches the starting point, he is one, and he shows the class pictures of himself at that age. Around he goes, and pictures are shown of each age. Four trips around the sun this year! Then he blows out the candle.
The family opted to forego the big party at home this time in favor of getting together with their good fri

ends whom they don't see as often as they would like. Isaac loves the twins, so he was all in favor of this. On Saturday they all went roller skating. It was the first time for all three children. From the looks of the pictures they sent me, they all had a really great time. There was a brief class first, then on to the practice floor before taking

the plunge onto the main skating rink. They only fell a few times, but since there were three of them, usually holding hands, even the tumbles turned out to be fun. I have a feeling the adults had just as good a time. The picture on the left is Maya, Cassi, Isaac, the twins' parents and Isaac's dad. The double trio is the moms and one dad and in back, and Maya, Cassi and Isaac in the lead. The girls are a few months younger than Isaac, but they are shooting up so tall! These are the girls he used to refer to as "the babies", and helped Mama take care of from time to time.

They rode the tiny merry-go-round and played some video games as well as skating. Then on to ice cream! Isaac told me on the phone later that he had a special flavor of ice cream, called "birthday cake", and it was all different colors.
Then they headed for Friendly Park where they d

id what comes naturally to most children.
I think it's pretty safe to say that my grandson enjoyed his birthday very, very much this year. At least that's how it sounded to me when we spoke on the phone.

Of course, there were presents too. the girls gave him a tool box, so he can help his dad build things. His mom tells me he has already written his thank you notes. When he was printing mine, she told him there are eleven letters in my last name. That seemed a bit much for him, so he wrote it to "G-mom 11". That's fine with his g-mom. I can't recall my kids being able to print everyone's name when they were four.
I really love this last picture. Click to enlarge.
How fun ... girls grow/mature so much faster than boys ..
Thanks for sharing that wonderful day, looks like a fun time indeed - such sweet little laughing faces!
Happy Birthday, Isaac! I love that last photo, too, Bobbie. They all look absolutely delirious with pleasure!
What fun reading this was! Thanks for sharing the birthday!
It looked to me that they were having fun also. Love the pictures, I like reading and seeing photos of family. Hope you have a great day g-mom.
the last one is my favorite too! How cute the three of them are & they all have such beautiful hair too.
Bobbie, your bunny post is quite funny! LOL.
What a lucky little boy Isaac is. The giraffe cake is so cute! Sounded like he did enjoy all of his celebrating. And even 'birthday cake' flavoured ice cream! ;D
Such happy faces on the beautiful kids! I very much enjoyed this post, the great pictures. I can feel the love!
I like the birthday traditions at Isaac's school. A circle is a nice way to represent the concept of years passing, for the little ones.
What fun!!! Looks like a great time for all ;--)
I celebrated MY birthday yesterday.
Hugs and blessings,
Happy Birthday to your Issac and I love the pure joy of celebration etched on their faces. I hope he enjoyed his shining moment-four is a great age!
What a wonderfully happy day this was for Isaac! I loved celebrating this day vicariously.
Great pics. Great party. It looks like fun was had by all.
Happy Birthday, Storyteller!
G-Mom 11 - we could make that your rap name!!
Great photos, sounds like a wonderful day
I love the walking the circle and showing the photos tradition, that's lovely
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